Brnić Josip

Datum rođenja:
- 31.03.1951
Mjesto rođenja:
- Sv. Ivan, otok Krk
- Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Vukovarska 58, 51000 Rijeka
- +385 051 651 491
E-mail adrese:
Brnić Josip
Akademske titule:
- professor emeritus (01.10.2018. – …)
- profesor doktor znanosti
- redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju, professor emeritus – Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci
- honorary professor – Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Kina
- consulting professor – Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Kina
- guest professor – Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Kina
- visiting professor – Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang, Kina
Članstvo u Akademiji:
- član suradnik – Razred za tehničke znanosti (30.01.1997. – …)
OPIS ŽIVOTA I RADA red. prof. u trajnom zvanju, dr. sc. Josipa Brnića, dipl. ing., professora emeritusa, profesora Tehničkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci (bivšeg rektora Sveučilišta u Rijeci i bivšeg dekana Tehničkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci) i počasnog profesora nekoliko kineskih sveučilišta.
Dr. sc. Josip Brnić rođen je 1951. u Sv. Ivanu, otok Krk. Osnovno i srednješkolsko obrazovanje stekao je na otoku Krku, diplomirao na Tehničkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci 1976., magistrirao na Fakulteti za strojništvo Sveučilišta u Ljubljani 1983., a doktorirao na Tehničkom fakultetu u Rijeci 1988. Redoviti je profesor u trajnom zvanju, a sada professor emeritus Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Tehnički fakultet. Jedno je vrijeme, na početku svoje karijere, radio paralelno kao sveučilišni nastavnik na Zavodu za tehničku mehaniku Tehničkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci te na analizama strukture podmornica i drugih plovnih objekata u RO “Brodoprojekt“ Rijeka. Kao znanstvenik djeluje u području elastomehanike i plastomehanike, viskoplastičnosti, eksperimentalne mehanike, mehanike loma / oštećenja, optimizacije konstrukcija, metode konačnih elemenata i ispitivanja svojstava materijala. Generalno uzevši, njegova se znanstvena istraživanja u spomenutim područjima mogu svrstati u dvije bitne skupine od kojih se jedna odnosi na numeričku analizu konstrukcija a druga na eksperimentalnu analizu ponašanja materijala pri sniženim i povišenim temperaturama. Bio je voditelj sveučilišnog dodiplomskog studija strojarstva, prodekan, te dekan Tehničkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci u dva mandata, prorektor za znanost i međunarodnu suradnju Sveučilišta u Rijeci te rektor Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Od ostalih se pojedinosti navodi kako slijedi:
- Bio je član Nacionalnog vijeća za znanost RH, od 2005. (4 god.), ponovni izbor 2009. (4 god)
- Bio je predsjednik Područnog znanstvenog vijeća za tehničke znanosti, od 2005. (4 god.), ponovni izbor 2009. (4 god), ponovni izbor 2013. (4 god)
- Izabran je u počasno zvanje Consulting Professor na Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Kina, 06. 2012.
- Izabran je u počasno zvanje Honorary Professor na Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Kina, 09. 2011.
- Izabran je u počasno zvanje Guest Professor na Huazhong University of Science and Technology , Wuhan, Kina, 09. 2017.
- Izabran je u počasno zvanje Visiting Professor na Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang, Kina, 05. 2018.
- Član je suradnik Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti od 1997, ponovni izbor (trajni) 2008
- Član je Sekcije za morsku tehnologiju Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti.
- Redoviti je član Znanstvenog vijeća za promet Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti.
- Član je International Academy of Engineering Science, Moskva, 2013.
- Redoviti je član Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske, 1997- 2017.
- Bio je član Stručnog povjerenstva Nacionalnog vijeća za znanost i tehnologiju RH, za izradu Nacrta prijedloga Pravilnika o uvjetima za izbor u znanstvena zvanja, 06.2014.
- Recenzent je znanstvenih radova uglednih inozemnih (međunarodnih) časopisa indeksiranih u Current Contents-u (CC – u): Journal of Testing and Evaluation; Finite Element in Analysis and Design (FINEL); Materials and Design; Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology; Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (MMTA); Bulletin of Materials Science; Journal of Constructional Steel Research; High Temperature Materials and Processes; Materials Science and Engineering B; Journal of Structural Engineering; Materials Science and Engineering A; Engineering Structures; Nuclear Engineering and Design; Materials and Structures; Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance; Steel and Composite Structures; TRANSACTION OF FAMENA (SCI); Strojniški vestnik- Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SCIEx); TEHNIČKI VJESNIK – TECHNICAL GAZETTE (SCIEx); Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials; Steel Research International; Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics; Advances in Computational Design; Thin- Walled Structures; Materials; Metals; International Journal of Fatigue; Materials Transactions; International Journal of Rock Mecanics and Mining Sciences; Advances in Computational Design (ESCI); Journal of Composite Science (Inspec); Machines (ESCI); Vacuum, Engineering Fracture Mechanics; Composite Structures; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering; International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping.
- Profesor je na poslijediplomskom studiju Strojarskog fakulteta u Slavonskom Brodu.
- Član je u više od 50 znanstvenih i stručnih organizacija, pri čemu se ističe članstvo u više međunarodnih znanstvenih komiteta u Austriji, Mađarskoj, Poljskoj, Bugarskoj, Indiji, Kini, itd., te Hrvatskoj.
- Član je Slovačke državne komisije za završne državne ispite.
- Član je Hrvatskog registra brodova, odjel: Trup i oprema.
- Autor je 11 knjiga od kojih su tri knjige izašle u izdanju Školske knjige iz Zagreba, dvije su objavljene u Budimpešti, tri su izašle u izdanju Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci, te po jedna u izdanju Zigo, Rijeka, Fintrade & tours, Rijeka , te u Wiley & Sons (2018).
- Ima objavljeno više od 300 znanstvenih radova publiciranih u internacionalnim časopisima, zbornicima međunarodnih i domaćih znanstvenih skupova. Od navedenih radova njih više od 85 publicirano je u inozemnim časopisima ideksiranim u WoS-u. Ima i veliki broj stručnih radova.
- Časopisi indeksirani u Current Contents-u (CC), a u kojima su spomenuti radovi objavljeni, jesu primjerice časopisi:Meccanica; Journal of Engineering Mechanics; Materials & Design; Mechanics Research Communications; Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials; Composite Structures; High Temperature Materials and Processes; Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology; Journal of Testing and Evaluation; Bulletin of Materials Science; Int. Journal of Materials Science & Technology; Computers & Structures; Int. Journal of Plasticity; Proc. IMechE, Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering; Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering; Int. Journal of Structural Stability & Dynamics; Materials Science and Engineering A; Materials Science and Engineering B; Journal of Constructural Steel Research; Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering; Steel and Composite Strucrures; Structural Engineering and Mechanics; Materials; Metals; Journal of Mechanics; International Journal of Applied Mechanics, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, i dr.
- Časopisi indeksirani u Science Citation Index-u (SCI) te SCIEx, a u kojima su radovi objavljeni, jesu primjerice časopisi: Constructional and Building Materials; International Journal of Minerals; Metallurgy and Materials; Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed.; Materials and Manufacturing Processes; Transactions of Famena; Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
- Časopisi indeksirani u drugim značajnim bazama, kao što su: Material Science Citation Index, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Zentralblatt Math, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, itd., a u kojima su radovi također objavljeni, jesu primjerice časopisi: Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics; Transactions on Mathematics & Physics; itd. Neki su radovi objavljeni u zbornicima međunarodnih kongresa (Francuska, Mađarska, Indija, Švedska, Italija, Danska, Austrija, Rumunjska, Belgija, Finska, Kina, Grčka, Češka, Poljska, Portugal, Estonija i dr.).
- Znanstveno se usavršavao na više institucija u zemlji i inozemstvu (Brodarski institut, Zagreb; International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, CISM, Udine; Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik; Fraunhofer Institut – Darmstadt; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno; Technische Universität Wien).
- Održao je više pozvanih i plenarnih predavanja u zemlji i inozemstvu, kao što su primjerice ona u Indiji, Mađarskoj, Češkoj, Rumunjskoj, Kini, Estoniji, Japanu, Rusiji itd.
- Na poziv Harbin Institute of Technology, (Harbin, Kina), Shenyang University (Shenyang, Kina),Wuhan University of Science and Technology (Wuhan, Kina), Shanghai University (Shanghai, Kina), Beijing University of Technology (Beijing, Kina), te na poziv University of Tai Yuan (Kina) kao i Henan Polytechnic University (School of Materials Science, Jiaozuo-Kina) održao je niz predavanja studentima iz područja aplikacija metode konačnih elemenata u analizi konstrukcija te eksperimentalnih istraživanja o ponašanju materijala kod različitih okolišnjih uvjeta.
- Voditelj je znanstvenog projekta naslovljenog „Assessment of structural behaviour in limit state operating conditions“ financiranog od strane Hrvatske zaklade za znanost (HRZZ; Croatia Science Foundation, 07. 2014- 07. 2018.
- Voditelj je bilateralnog znanstvenog projekta: 1) “Metal alloys behavior at different environmental conditions- testing and numerical simulatios”, između Hrvatske (Tehnički fakultet Rijeka-Zavod za tehničku mehaniku) i Kine (School of Materials Science and Engineering-Henan Polytechnic University- voditelj: Prof. Jitai Niu, Ph.D), 2) „Analysis of conditions for control of metal forming processes”, između Hrvatske (Tehnički fakultet Rijeka-Zavod za tehničku mehaniku) i Slovenije (Fakulteta za strojništvo, Katedra za izdelovalne tehnologije in sisteme/Laboratorij za preoblikovanje – Ljubljana, voditelj projekta s slovenske strane: Prof. Karl Kuzman, Ph.D. / Prof. Tomaž Pepelnjak, Ph. D.), 3) “Material properties, creep behavior, fracture toughness and microstructure of metal alloys – experimental analysis and numerical simulations“, između Hrvatske (Tehnički fakultet Rijeka-Zavod za tehničku mehaniku) i Kine (School of Materials Science and Engineering-Henan Polytechnic University- voditelj: Prof. Jitai Niu, Ph.D), 4) „Influence of Heat Affected Zone of electron beam welded steel casting GX4CrNi13-4 on the fatigue strength”, između Hrvatske (Tehnički fakultet Rijeka-Zavod za tehničku mehaniku) i Austrije, TU Graz. Voditelj projekta s austrijske strane : Dr. Rudolf Vallant (Institute for Materials Science and Welding (IWS), Graz University of Technology).
- Radio je na više znanstvenih i stručnih projekata, posebice onih financiranih od Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta Republike Hrvatske (2007-2013), te na znanstvenom projektu Hrvatske zaklade za znanost.
- Radi i radio je na više znanstvenih projekata- Sveučilišne potpore, Sveučilište u Rijeci.
- Uveo je nova usmjerenja i kolegije na sveučilišnom dodiplomskom i poslijediplomskom znanstvenom studiju Tehničkog fakulteta.
- Mentor je kandidatima za doktorske disertacije, magistarske i diplomske radove.
- Dvojica su znanstvenika , koja su doktorirala pod njegovim mentorstvom (prof. dr. sc. Goran Turkalj, prof. dr. sc. Marko Čanađija) dobila Državne godišnje nagrade za znanost Republike Hrvatske za područje tehničkih znanosti te Godišnje nagrade za znanost Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Jedan je znanstvenik , prof. dr. sc. Domagoj Lanc, koji je magistrirao pod njegovim mentorstvom, dobio Godišnju nagradu za znanost Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci.
Recenzent je više knjiga i znanstvenih radova.
Dobitnik je više nagrada:
- Državna Nagrada za znanost – Nagrada za životno djelo (2019), Republikka Hrvatska, Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja, za 2018 godinu u području tehničkih znanosti.
- Zahvalnica za ostvarena postignuća u 2017 godini koja su pridonijela promicanju, napretku i ugledu Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Rektorica, prof. dr. sc. Snježana Prijić-Samaržija).
- Spomen plaketa, kao znak priznanja i zahvalnosti zbog doprinosa utkanog u razvitak i djelovanje Sveučilišta u Rijeci, od njegova utemeljenja do danas, 2013. (Rektor, prof. dr. sc. Pero Lučin)
- Nagrada za životno djelo Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci (2012.) za akademsku god. 2010/2011.
- Nagrade Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti za najviša znanstvena dostignuća u Republici Hrvatskoj za 2010. godinu za područje tehničkih znanosti.
- 2nd Prize – Zwick Science Award 2009, Ulm, Germany.
- Nagrada Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci za znanstveni rad u području tehničkih znanost za 2004. god.
- Jubilarna plaketa za 1999. godinu – priznanje za osobiti doprinos radu i razvitku Hrvatske udruge proizvodnog strojarstva, a na dobrobit znanstvenog i gospodarskog razvitka Republike Hrvatske.
- Zahvalnica za osobni doprinos u modernizaciji Strojarskog fakulteta u Slavonskom Brodu, lipanj 1999.
- Special Award of ÖIAV (Österreichischer Ingenieur und Architekten Verein) and DAAAM International for Significant Contribution in the Field of Engineering, Excellence in Science, and International Academic and Scientific Cooperation in Middle European Region Within the Framework of the Danube Adria Association for Automation & Manufacturing and Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects, Vienna & Cluj-Napoca, October 22, 1998.
- Državna godišnja nagrada za znanost za značajno znanstveno dostignuće u području tehničkih znanosti za 1997. godinu.
- Certificate, Awarded to Prof. Josip Brnić, D.Sc., DAAAM International, Vienna, October 17-19, 1996.
- Dobitnik odlikovanja predsjednika Republike Hrvatske dr. Franje Tuđmana: Red Danice hrvatske s likom Ruđera Boškovića, za poseban doprinos znanosti, 1995.
- Dobitnik Nagrade grada Rijeke 1994. g. za stvaralački rad i stvaralaštvo za period 1992.-1993. god.
- Aktivno se služi engleskim, poznaje njemački i slovenski jezik.
- Datum i mjesto rođenja: 31.03.1951., Sv. Ivan, otok Krk
- Roditelji: Josip (pok.) i Tonica (pok.) – (rođ. Vicić)
- Državljanstvo, narodnost: hrvatsko, Hrvat
- Adresa stanovanja: Drage Gervaisa 41, 51000 Rijeka
- 1958.-1966. Osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje: Dobrinj (o. Krk)
- 1966.-1970. Srednješkolsko obrazovanje: gimnazija ” Čedo Žic “, Krk
- 1970.-1976. (veljača) Visoko obrazovanje: Tehnički fakultet Rijeka, brodostrojarski smjer, diplomirani inženjer strojarstva
- 1979.-1983. Poslijediplomski studij: Fakulteta za strojništvo, Ljubljana; područje: mehanika konstrukcija; magistar tehničkih znanosti – polje strojarstvo
- 1988. Doktorat tehničkih znanosti iz znanstvenog polja Strojarstvo, Tehnički fakultet Rijeka; doktor tehničkih znanosti
- 1990. Brodarski institut, Zagreb: Dinamički odziv konstrukcija
- 1990. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, CISM, Udine: Shape and layout optimization of structural systems
- 1991. International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, CISM, Udine: Nonlinear analysis of shells by finite elements.
- 1992. Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik, Schenk, Fraunhofer Institut – Darmstadt
- 1995. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno: Structural analysis
- 1996. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno: Structural analysis
- 2002. Technische Universität Wien, Structural optimization
- Tai Yuan University, Kina
- Shanghai University, Kina
- Harbin Institute of Technology, Kina
- Henan Polytechnic University, Kina
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Kina
- University of Technology – Vienna (Austrija),
- Technical University of Brno (Češka),
- Technical University of Budapest (Mađarska),
- Cracow University of Technology (Poljska),
- University of Rostock (Njemačka),
- Gazi University (Turska),
- Ankara University (Turska),
- Hacettepe University (Turska),
- Uludaq University (Turska),
- Bursa Universtiy (Turska),
- Istanbul University (Turska),
- Eskesehir University (Turska),
- Politechnica Timisoara (Rumunjska)
- Sveučilišta u Republici Hrvatskoj
- School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- School of Materials Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology,
- School of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University,
- Fakulteta za strojništvo Ljubljana (Slovenija),
- Fakulteta za strojništvo Maribor (Slovenija),
- Faculty of Engineering – Udine, Trieste (Italija),
- Facutly of Mechanical Engineering – Brno (Češka),
- Faculty of Transportation Engineering – Budapest (Mađarska),
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Cracow (Poljska,)
- Faculty of Engineering – Rostock (Njemačka),
- Fakultät fűr Verkehr und Logistik – Rostock (Njemačka),
- Faculty of Technology in Zlin (Češka),
- Materialovo-technologicka faculta v Trnave (Slovačka),
- Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Njemačka),
- Faculty of Engineering – Kaiserslautern (Njemačka),
- Politechnica – University of Timisoara (Rumunjska)
- Ecole Polytechnique – Palaiseau (Francuska)
- Fakulteti u Republici Hrvatskoj , itd.
- 1976.-1990. “Brodoprojekt“, Rijeka, projektant strukture specijalnih objekata
- 1977.- Tehnički fakultet Rijeka, dopunski radni odnos
- 1977. Asistent na Zavodu za tehničku mehaniku
- 1978.-1979. Služenje vojnog roka.
- 1987. Povjerena predavanja iz predmeta Nauka o čvrstoći I, II i Čvrstoća na sveučilišnom dodiplomskom i stručnom studiju.
- 1989. Znanstveni suradnik, docent – polja: Strojarstvo i Brodogradnja
- 1990. Tehnički fakultet, stalni radni odnosPredavanja :
Sveučilišni dodiplomski studij:
- Statika, Nauka o čvrstoći I, Nauka o čvrstoći II, Elasto i plastomehanika Metoda konačnih elemenata
Poslijediplomski studij:
- Elastomehanika i plastomehanika, Viskoplastičnost, Metoda konačnih elemenata
- 1991.-1993. Voditelj sveučilišnog studija strojarstva Tehničkog fakulteta
- 1992. Nositelj kolegija:
Naprezanje brodskog trupa, poslijediplomski studij Pomorskog fakulteta, Rijeka- 1993. Prodekan za nastavu Tehničkog fakulteta
- 1993. Viši znanstveni suradnik, izvanredni profesor– polja: Strojarstvo i BrodogradnjaPredavanja :
Sveučilišni dodiplomski studij:
- Statika, Nauka o čvrstoći I, Nauka o čvrstoći II, Elasto i plastomehanika, Metoda konačnih elemenata
Poslijediplomski studij:
- Elastomehanika i plastomehanika, Viskoplastičnost, Metoda konačnih elemenata
- 1994.-1996. Dekan Tehničkog fakulteta- prvi mandat
- 1995. Predsjednik Povjerenstva za izradu novih nastavnih planova i programa za poslijediplomski i sveučilišni dodiplomski studij strojarstva i brodogradnje.
- 1996.-1998. Dekan Tehničkog fakulteta – drugi mandat
- 1996. Redoviti profesor – polja: Strojarstvo i BrodogradnjaPredavanja :
Sveučilišni dodiplomski studij:
- Statika, Nauka o čvrstoći I, Nauka o čvrstoći II, Elasto i plastomehanika, Metoda konačnih elemenata
Poslijediplomski studij:
- Elastomehanika i plastomehanika, Viskoplastičnost, Metoda konačnih elemenata
- 1998. –1999. Prorektor za znanstveni rad i međunarodnu suradnju Sveučilišta u Rijeci.
- 1999. -2000. Rektor Sveučilišta u Rijeci.
- 2000. Redoviti profesor – trajno zvanje – polja: Strojarstvo i Druge temeljne tehničke znanosti
- 2002.- Predsojnik Zavoda za tehničku mehaniku, Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci
Nositelj kolegija:
- Poslijediplomski znanstveni studij – Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci: Elastomehanika i plastomehanika, Viskoelastičnost i viskoplastičnost, Optimizacija konstrukcija, Metoda konačnih elemenata čvrstih tijela, Računalno modeliranje plastičnog oblikovanja metala.
- Poslijediplomski znanstveni studij – Strojarski fakultet u Slavonskom brodu: Suvremene metode strukturne analize.
- Poslijediplomski znanstveni studij – Strojarski fakultet u Mostaru: Elastomehanika i plastomehanika.
- Sveučilišni dodiplomski studij strojarstva i brodagradnje- Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci: Statika, Nauka o čvrstoći I i II, Elasto i plastomehanika, MKE u mehanici čvrstog tijela, Eksperimentalne metode u mehanici.
- Stručni studij elektrotehnike – Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci: Mehanika i elementi konstrukcija.
- Voditelj sveučilišnog studija strojarstva Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci ( 1991-1993)
- Dopredsjednik Društva za mehaniku Hrvatske, 1991-1994. g., dalje član.
- Predsjednik Podružnice Društva za mehaniku Hrvatske u Rijeci, 1991.-1994., 1998.-2000.
- Prodekan za nastavu Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci, 1993
- Član Hrvatskog registra brodova, odjel: Trup i oprema, od 1993.
- Član Povjerenstva za poslijediplomske studije (1993 i dalje )
- Dekan Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci ( 1994 – 1996, 1996 – 1998 )
- Predsjednik Povjerenstva za izradu novih nastavnih planova i programa(1994 – 1998)
- Predsjednik Povjerenstva za nastavu Tehničkog fakulteta (1994-1998)
- Član Matičnog povjerenstva za izbor nastavnika u polja: Strojarstvo, Brodogradnja, Druge temljene tehničke znanosti itd. (1994-1998).
- Član je suradnik Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti od 1997, ponovni izbor (trajni) 2008.
- Član je Sekcije za morsku tehnologiju Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti.
- Redoviti je član Znanstvenog vijeća za promet Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti.
- Redoviti je član Akademije tehničkih znanosti Hrvatske.
- Član Senata Sveučilišta u Rijeci (za vrijeme obnašanja dužnosti dekana Tehničkog fakulteta 1994-1998, te za vrijeme obnašanja dužnosti prorektora i rektora Sveučilišta u Rijeci 1998-2000).
- Član Znanstvenog savjeta za pomorstvo Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, od 1995.
- Član Županijskog odbora za visoko školstvo od srpnja 1996.
- Član Stručnog povjerenstva za područje tehničkih znanosti Odbora za podjelu državnih nagrada za znanost Sabora Republike Hrvatske, 1996. (mandat 4 godine)
- Član Matičnog povjerenstva za izbore u znanstveno-nastavna i nastavna zvanja za područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstva, brodogradnje, tehnologije prometa, transporta, zrakoplovstva i svemirske tehnike, od 1996. (mandat 2 god.)
- Recenzent znanstvenih projekata za područje tehničkih znanosti, financiranih od Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske, 1996/97; 2007.
- Član Vijeća međunarodnih središta hrvatskih sveučilišta, 1997.
- Član Hrvatskog ogranka CEACM (Central European Association for Computational Mechanics), 1997.
- Representative of the University of Rijeka in the Interuniversity Network for Doctoral Studies, Vienna (Founded in Cluj – Napoca, October 22, 1998).
- Član suradnik Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, od siječnja 1997.
- Member of the Examination Board of the Final State Examinations of the Graduates in Machine Technology, Slovenska Technicka Univerza v Bratislave, Materialovo-technologicka faculta v Trnave, od 1997.
- Prorektor za znanost i međunarodnu suradnju Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 1998.
- Rektor Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 1999-2000.
- Predsjednik Povjerenstva za međunarodne odnose (2000-2004)
- Predstojnik Zavoda za tehničku mehaniku (2002 i dalje )
- Voditelj poslijediplomskih znanstvenih studija Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci (2002-2004)
- Voditelj smjera Računarska mehanika na poslijediplomskom znanstvenom studiju Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci., od 2004.
- Član Nacionalnog vijeća za znanost Republike Hrvatske, od 12. 2004. ( 4 god. ), od 2009. (4 god.)
- Predsjednik Područnog vijeća za tehničke znanosti Republike Hrvatske, od 2004. (4 godine), od 2009. (4 god.)
- Član Povjerenstva za opremu Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa RH ( više puta, od 2007)
- Član Povjerenstva Nacionalnog vijeća za znanost RH i Nacionalne zaklade za znanost RH za znanstvene projekte, od 2008.
- Član Savjeta za znanost Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2010-
- Član Stručnog povjerenstva Nacionalnog vijeća za znanost i tehnologiju RH, za izradu Nacrta prijedloga Pravilnika o uvjetima za izbor u znanstvena zvanja, 06.2014.
- Član Panela za vrednovanje znanstvenih projekata Hrvatske zaklade za znanost, od 2015.
- Član Savjeta za znanost Hrvatske akademije tehničkih znanosti, 2017.-
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meetings (PAMM), od 1994.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Congress – Energy and the Environment, Opatija, 1994.
- Član Organizacijskog odbora simpozija HDO-a (Hrvatsko društvo održavatelja), Opatija, 1994.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 6th International DAAAM Symposium, Krakow, 1995. (DAAAM: Danube Adria Association for Automation and Metrology)
- Member of the Editorial Staff of Engineering Review, Scientific Journal for New Technology in Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Rijeka, 1995.
- Member of the Scientific DAAAM International Committee of the 7th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, 1996.
- Member of the Honour Committee of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology (AMST ’96), Udine, September 1996.
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Congress – Energy and the Environment, Opatija, October 23-25, 1996.
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of the 7th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, 1996.
- Član Organizacijskog odbora 3. Međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa HDO-a (Hrvatsko društvo održavatelja), Opatija, 1996.
- Član Međunarodnog znanstvenog savjeta časopisa Brodogradnja, izdavač: Brodarski Institut, od 1996.
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Monographical Booklets of the Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meetings as Interuniversity Network, od 1996.
- Member of the Editorial Staff of the Monographical Booklets of the Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meetings as Interuniversity Network, od 1996.
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of the 2nd Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Brač, 1997.
- Member of the International Program Committee of the 3rd International Scientific Colloquium: Computer – Aided Engineering Techniques ’97 (CAE Techniques 97′), Rzeszow, Poland, 1997.
- Member of the Honor Committee of the 4th Interantional Conference on Production Engineering, CIM ’97 (Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining), Opatija, 1997.
- Member of the International Scientific and Review Committee of the 4th International Conference on Production Engineering, CIM ’97, Opatija, 1997.
- Member of the International Program Committee of the 8th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna – Dubrnovnik, 1997.
- Member of the Scientific and Programme Committee of the Fourth International Scientific and Technical Conference, MOTAUTO ’97, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1997.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Metallurgical Processes, Bangalore, India, 1997.
- Member of the Review Committee of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Metallurgical Processes, Bangalore, India, 1997.
- Član Programskog odbora 1. Međunarodne konferencije: Upravljanje poslovnim sustavima – Sveučilište u Mostaru, Strojarski fakultet, 1997.
- Member of the International Programme Committee of the 5th International Design Conference, DESIGN ’98, Dubrovnik, 1998.
- Member of the Scientific and Programme Committee of the Fifth International-Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles, MOTAUTO ’98, Sofia, Bulgaria, 1998.
- Member of the International Program Committee of the 9th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna – Cluj-Napoca, 1998.
- Member of the Program Committee of the International Conference: Welding in Maritime Engineering, Malinska, Is. Krk, 1998.
- Member of the National Organizing Committee of the 3rd International Conference EEDEEQ ’98: Maintenance of Electrical Machines, Transformers and Equipment & Electrical Energy Quality, Rovinj, 1998.
- Member of the Honour Committee of the International Congress: Energy and the Environment, Opatija, 1998.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of Journal: Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, ŐVE – Verbandszeitschrift, Springer, Wien, since 1998.
- Member of the International Program Committee of the 4th International Scientific Colloqium “CAx Techniques ’99”, Bielefeld, Germany, 1999.
- Member of the Program Committee of the International Conference on Industrial Tools, Maribor, Slovenia, 1999.
- Member of the International Program Committee of the 10th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, 1999.
- Member of the Scientific and Programme Committee of he 6th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1999.
- Member of the Honour Committee of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, CIM ’99, Opatija, 1999.
- Member of the Scientific and Review Committee of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, CIM ’99, Opatija, 1999.
- Member of International Scientific Committee of the Third International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials and Hot Working, ICPNS ’99, Peking, 1999.
- Member of the Honour Committee of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology(AMST, 99), Udine.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 3rd International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Cavtat/Dubrovnik, 2000.
- Član Programskog odbora Četvrtog multidisciplinarnog simpozija – Modeliranje u znanosti, tehnici i društvu, Rijeka, 2000.
- Member of the Programme Committe of the International Conference on Industrial Tools, ICIT 2001, Maribor, Slovenia, 2001.
- Member of the International Programme Committee of the 13th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, Austria, 2002.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Scientific-Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles – Motauto ’02, Russe, Bulgaria, 2002.
- Member of the Programme Committe of the International Conference on Industrial Tools, ICIT 2003, Maribor, Slovenia, 2003.
- Member of the Scientific and Review Committee of the 9th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering, CIM 2003, Lumbarda, 2003.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 4th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Bizovac, 2003.
- 46. Member of the International Programme Committee of the 14th International DAAAM Symposium, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2003.
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of the 4th International Conference on Production Engineering, RIM 2003 ( Development and Modernization of Production – Razvoj i modernizacija proizvodnje ) Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2003.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Scientific-Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles – Motauto ’03, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 4th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulations of Materials Processing, Shangai, China, 2004.
- Member of the International Scientific Committee of the 5th International Conference on Production Engineering, RIM 2005 (Development and Modernization of Production – Razvoj i modernizacija proizvodnje) Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2005.
- Member of the Program Committee of the 12th International Conference «trans & MOTAUTO ’05+», Veliko-Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 2005.
- Member of the International Program Committee of the 16th International DAAAM Symposium, Opatija, Croatia, 2005.
- Member of the International Program Committee of the 5th International DAAAM Baltic Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 2006.
- Member of the Program Committee of the 13th International Conference «trans & MOTAUTO ’06+», Varna, Bulgaria, 2006.
- Member of the International Advisory Committee of the 5th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulations of Materials Processing, Zhengzhou, China, 2007.
- Member of International Program Committee of 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic, Tallinin, Estonia, 2008.
- Member of the Program Committee of the15-th International Scientific -Technical Conference for Transport, Military transport, Agricultural technics, trans & МОТАUTO’08, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2008.
- Member of the scientific committee of the 6th ICCSM ( International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2009.
- Member of the International Program Committee of the16th International Conference trans & МОТАUTO’09, Bulgaria, 17-19. 09. 2009.
- Member of International Program Committee of 7th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic, Tallinin, Estonia, 2010.
- Member of DAAAM International Program Committee of 21st DAAAM International World Symposium, Zadar, Croatia, 2010.
- Vice-chairman of International Program Committee of 6th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulations of Materials Processing, Guilin, China, 2010.
- Member of International Program Committee of 19th International Scientific – Technical Conference trans & Motauto ’11., 2011 , Varna, Bulgaria.
- Member of Permanent Committee of DAAAM University Network for 2011., Vienna, Austria.
- Member of 22nd DAAAM International Progam Committee for 2011., Vienna, Austria.
- Editor-in-Chief of the Engineering Review Journal, publishers: Faculty of Engineering University of Rijeka and Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Rijeka, 2011.-
- Member of 23rd DAAAM International Progam Committee for 2012., Zadar / Croatia.
- Member of International Scientific Committee of The 7th International Conference on
- Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing, Oulu, Finland, 2013.
- Member of International Program Committee of trans & Motauto’14; 23 – 24.06.2014 – Varna – Bulgaria; XXII International scientific and technical conference on transport, road-building, agricultural, hoisting & hauling and military technics and technologies; Organizer : Scientific-technical union of mechanical engineering Bulgaria.
- Member of the Scientific Board of the Congress of the Croatian Society for Mechanics, Opatija, September 29- October 2, 2015.
- Member of the International Programme Committee of the 23th International Conference trans&MOTAUTO’15, 24 – 27 June, 2015, Varna, Bulgaria.
- Member of International Scientific Committee of The 8th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS), Seattle, USA, October 14-17, 2016.
- Member of the Technical Committee of 2. International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences (ICMENS 2018), (13-15). 01. 2018, Hong Kong
- Chairmen of the International Scientific Committee of the 9th ICPNS 2019 (InternationalConference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materoals Processing), October 10-15, 2019, Moscow/St Petersburg, Russia.
- Member of the Program Chair of the 3rd ICMENS 2019 (International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences), Hiroshima, Japan, 26-28. 3. 2019.
- VII Simpozij – Teorija i praksa brodogradnje, In memoriam Prof. Leopold Sorta, Pula, 15.-17. svibnja, 1986.
- Savjetovanje: Problemi čvrstoće konstrukcije objekata morske tehnologije, VI sekcija za morsku tehnologiju, Znanstveni savjet za pomorstvo, JAZU, Zagreb, travanj 14.-15., 1987.
- International Congress: Pannonian Applied Mathematical and Mechanical Meetings (PAMM):
- Nowy Sacz, Poland, June 5-8, 1987.
- Seminar: Pogonska čvrstoća, Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje, Split, travanj 10.-11., 1990
- Balatonalmadi, Hungary, May 26-29, 1994.
- Balatonfüred, Hungary, May 4-7, 1995.
- Budapest – Rome, Hungary – Italy, August 16-26, 1995.
- Göd – Budapest, Hungary, January 19-21, 1996.
- Balatonalmadi, Hungary, May 1-5, 1996.
- Göd, Hungary, October 10-13, 1996.
- Göd, Hungary, January 23-26, 1997.
- Balatonalmadi, Hungary, May 8-11, 1997.
- Göd – Budapest, Hungary, January 22-25, 1998.
- Balatonalmadi, Hungary, May 7-10, 1998.
- Göd – Budapest, Hungary, January, 1999.
- Balatonalmadi, Hungary, May, 1999.
- Balatonalmadi, Hungary, May, 2002.
- Göd, Hungary, January, 2003.
- Balatonalmadi, Hungary, May, 2003.
- God, Hungary, september, 2004.
- Balatonalmadi, Hungary, May, 2005.
- Balatonalmadi, Hungary, May, 2006.
- Balatonalmadi, Hungary, May, 2007
- Advanced School: Shape and Layout Optimization of Structural Systems, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, CISM, Udine, July 16-20, 1990.
- Advanced School: Nonlinear Analysis of Shells by Finite Elements, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, CISM, Udine, June 24-29, 1991.
- 1st Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Pula, September 14-17, 1994.
- International Conference: Adriatic Coastal Zone and Subsea,Opatija, March 1-4, 1995.
- National Conference with International Participation, Engineering Mechanics 95, Svratka, Czech Republic, May 15-18, 1995.
- 5th Internatioanl Symposium on New Technology (5th SONT), Poreč, September 26-28, 1995.
- 6th International DAAAM Symposium: “Inteligent Manufacturing Systems”, Cracow, Poland, October 26-28, 1995.
- 4th Symposium Design 96, Opatija, May 16-17, 1996.
- 7th International DAAAM Symposium: “Product & Manufacturing: Flexibility, Integration, Intelligence, Vienna, October 17-19, 1996.
- International Conference: “Energy and the Environment”, Opatija, October 23-25, 1996.
- International Conference on Industrial Tools, Maribor, Slovenia,April 21-23, 1997.
- 14. Međunarodni Simpozij o grijanju, hlađenju i klimatizaciji (Interklima ’97), Zagreb, travanj 24.-25., 1997.
- International Conference on Recent Advances in Mettalurgical Processes (ICRAMP-97), Bangalore, India, July 16-19, 1997.
- 3rd Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 18-22, 1997.
- 11th Internaitonal Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 97), Tampere, Finland, August 19-21, 1997.
- Worldwide ECCE Symposium (European Council of Civil Engineers): “Computers in the Practice of Building and Civil Engineering”, Lahti, Finland,September 3-5, 1997.
- 2nd Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Supetar (Brač), September 18-20, 1997.
- The 3rd International Scientific Colloquium: Computer – Aided Engineering Techniques (CAE Techniques ‘97), Rzeszow, Poland, September 24-27, 1997.
- Drugi međunarodni simpozij EEDEEQ: Dijagnostika električnih strojeva, transformatora i uređaja; kontrola kvalitete električne energije, Pula, rujan 29.-listopad 1., 1997.
- Fourth International Scientific – Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles – MOTAUTO ’97, Russe, Bulgaria, October 15-17, 1997.
- 4th Interantional Conference on Production Engineering, CIM ’97 (Computer Integrated Manufacturing), Opatija, June 12-13, 1997.
- 1st International Conference UPS, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 26-27, 1997.
- 8th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation”, Vienna – Dubrovnik, October 23-25, 1997.
- 7th International Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, Timisoara, Romania, November 6-9, 1997.
- 5th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, May 19-22, 1998.
- 5th International Scientific – Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles, MOTAUTO ‘98, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 14-16, 1998.
- The 9th DAAAM Symposium: ˝Intelligent Manufacturing, Automation and Networking˝, Vienna – Cluj-Napoca, October 22-24, 1998.
- 3rd International Conference: New Trends in Automation of Energetic Processes, Zlin, Czech Republic, May 19-20, 1998.
- 4th International Conference, FORM’98, Forming Technology, Tools and Machines, Brno, Czech Republic, September 15-16, 1998.
- VIIth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mecahnics (NMCM’98), High Tatras, Slovak Republic, October 6-9, 1998.
- 3rd International Conference – EEDEEQ ’98 – ˝Maintenance of Electrical Machines, Transformers and Equipment & Electrical Energy Quality˝, Rovinj, October 5-7, 1998.
- 35. 6th International Scientific Conference: CO-MAT-TECH ’98, Trnava, Slovak Republic, October 22-23, 1998.
- An International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering, ACOMEN’98, Ghent, Belgium, September 2-4, 1998.
- International Conference: Welding in Maritime Engineering, Malinska, Is. Krk, October 22-24, 1998.
- International Congress Energy and the Environment, 16th Scientific Conference on Energy and the Environment, Opatija, October 23-25, 1998.
- 2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools, ICIT ’99, Maribor, Slovenia, April 18-22, 1999.
- 5th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, AMST ’99, Udine, Italy, June 3-4, 1999.
- 4th International Scientific Colloquium, CAx Techniques ’99, Bielefeld, Germany, September 13-15, 1999.
- 10th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Past – Present – Future”, Vienna, Austria, October 21-23, 1999.
- 6th International Scientific – Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, October 13-15, 1999.
- The Third International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials and Hot Working, ICPNS ’99, Peking, China, October 10-14, 1999.
- 6th International Design Conference DESIGN 2000, Dubrovnik, May 23-26, 2000.
- 3rd International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Cavtat – Dubrovnik, September 28-30, 2000.
- 5. međunarodni simpozij Dijagnostika električnih strojeva, transformatora i uređaja & Kvaliteta električne energije EEDEEQ’2000, Rovinj, 2.-3. listopada 2000.
- 11th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Man – Machine – Nature, Opatija, October 19-21, 2000.
- 8th International Scientific Conference CO-MAT-TECH 2000, Trnava, Slovakia, 19-20 October 2000.
- Eighth International Conference on Civil & Structural Engineering Computing, Eisenstadt-Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2001.
- 12th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Precision Engineering, Jena, Germany, October 24-27, 2001.
- 13th DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, Austria, October 23-26, 2002.
- Motauto ’02, Russe, Bulgaria, October 29-31, 2002.
- Workshop, Optimal Design of Materials and Structures, Palaiseau, France, November 25-27, 2002.
- Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, September 4-6, 2002.
- Second International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN 2002, Liege, Belgium, May 28-31, 2002
- ICMS 2003, Miskolc, Hungary, April 3-5, 2003.
- 2nd International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference, ISEC-02, Rome, Italy, September 23-26, 2003.
- 5th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, ESMC 5, Thesssaloniki, Greece, August 17-22, 2003.
- 4th International Conference on Industrial Tools, ICIT 2003, Maribor, Slovenia, April 08-12, 2003.
- 4th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Bizovac, Croatia, September 18-20, 2003
- Workshop, Optimal Design of Materials applications, Timisoara, Romania, November 6-9, 2003.
- The 10th International Scientific – Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles – Motauto ‘03, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 1-2, 2003.
- The 10th International Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, Timisoara, Romania, November 6-9, 2003.
- The 4th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, Shanghai, China, May 17-21, 2004.
- 12th International Conference «trans & MOTAUTO ’05+», Veliko-Tarnovo, Bulgaria, November 23-25, 2005.
- 68. The 5th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, Zhengzhou, China, October 23-27, 2007.
- The 6th International DAAAM Baltic Conference, Industrial Engineering, Tallinn, Estonia, April 24-26, 2008.
- The 2nd International Conference on Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering of Tools and Dies, Bled, Slovenia, May 25-28, 2008.
- The15-th International Scientific -Technical Conference for Transport, Military transport, Agricultural technics, trans & мотаuto’08, Sozopol, Bulgaria, September 18-20, 2008.
- The 7th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC), Lisbon, September 7-11, 2009, Portugal.
- The 6th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, Guilin, China, November 16-19, 2010.
- The 21st DAAAM International World Symposium, Zadar, Croatia, December 22-24, 2010.
- The 23rd DAAAM International World Symposium, Zadar, Croatia, December 24-27, 2012.
- The 7th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing, Oulu, Finland, June 16-19, 2013.
- 8th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting; ACE-X 2014, June 30 – July 3, 2014.
- The 8th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS), Seattle, USA, October 14-17, 2016.
- The 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences /ICMENS 2018/, Hong Kong, January 11- 13, 2018.
- The 6th Europian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM6), Glasgow, 11-15 June, 2018.
- The 9th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS), Moscow, 10-15 October 2019.
- The 3rd ICMENS 2019 (International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences), Hiroshima, Japan, 26-28. 3. 2019.
- The 4th ICMENS 2020 (International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences), Pattaya, Thailand, 13-15. 3. 2020.
- The 3rd International Conference on Materials Designs and Applications 2020 (MDA2020), 05-06.11.2020, Porto, Portugal
- DAAAM Symposium: Cracow (Poland), 1995.
- DAAAM Symposium: Vienna (Austria), 1996.
- ICRAMP Conference: Bangalore (India), 1997.
- 3rd Euromech: Stockholm (Sweden), 1997.
- CAE Techniques, Rzeszow (Poland), 1997.
- PAMM (Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meetings): 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.
- CAx Technique ’99 – International Scientific Colloquium – Bielefeld, Germany, 1999.
- The 10th International Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, Timisoara,Romania, 2003.
- The 4th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, Shanghai, China, May 17-21, 2004.
- The 5th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, Zhengzhou, China, October 23-27, 2007.
- The 6th International DAAAM Baltic Conference, Industrial Engineering, Tallinn, Estonia, April 24-26, 2008.
- The 7th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC), Lisbon, 2009, Session: GS-EM.3,Portugal.
- The 6th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, Guilin, China, November 16-19, 2010.
- 8th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting; ACE-X 2014, June 30 – July 3, 2014.
- The 8th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS), Seattle, USA, Octber 14-17, 2016.
- The 2nd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nano Sciences /ICMENS 2018/, Hong Kong, January 11- 13, 2018.
- The 9th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, Moscow/St Petersburg, October 10-14, 2019
- Brnić, J.: Analysis of Materials of Similar Mechanical Behavior and Similar Industrial Assignment, 9th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (9th ICPNS 2019), Moscow, S. Petersburg, 10-14. 10. 2019. (plenary lecture).
- Brnić, J:. Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Several Stainless Steels at High Temperatures, Creep and Mechanical Fatigue, 4th ICMENS 2020 (Int Conf on Mater Eng and Nano Sciences), Pattaya, Thailand, March 13-15, 2020.(plenary lecture).
- Brnić, J:. Behavior of Materials Used in Design of Highly Stressed Engineering Components at Different Temperatures, 3rd ICMENS 2019 (Int Conf on Mater Eng and Nano Sciences), Hiroshima, Japan, March 26-28, 2019.(plenary lecture).
- Brnić, J.: Experimental Investigations and Possibilities of Creep Phenomenon Modeling in Metallic Materials, Beijing Institute of Technology, Shenyang University of Technology, Henan Polytechnic University, Shanghai University, May 19-29, 2018.
- Brnić, J.: The Significance of Fatigue and Fracture Failures in Engineering Design, Beijing Institute of Technology, Shenyang University of Technology, Henan Polytechnic University, Shanghai University, May 19-29, 2018.
- Introduction to Finite Elements and Special 2-D Finite Elements in Shearing Stress Analysis, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, September 23-30, 2017.
- Creep Modeling of Metal Alloys, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, September 23-30, 2017.
- Something on the Topic of Fracture Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, September 23-30, 2017.
- Properties that Characterize the Material X46Cr13 Steel, 8th ICPNS (International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing), October 14-17, Seattle, USA, October 14-17., 2016. (Plenary Session)
- Finite Element Analysis of Engineering Elements Subjected to Shear Stresses, School of Materials Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, January 17-24, 2016.
- Creep of Metallic Materials, School of Materials Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, January 17 -24, 2016.
- Introduction to Fracture Mechanics, School of Materials Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, January 17 -24, 2016.
- Brnić, J., et al.: Comparison of Material Properties and Creep Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steels, 7th ICPNS, Oulu, Finland (Key Lecture), 2013.
- Brnić, J.: Analysis of Structure Made of X39CrMo17-1 Steel, Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, June 21, 2012, Harbin.
- Brnić, J.: Crack Driving Force Assessment /Calculation – Pressure Vessel Steels, Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, June 21, 2012, Harbin.
- Brnić, J.: X17CrNi16-2 Martensitic Stainless Steel – Temperature Dependency of Material Properties, Short – Time Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Assessment, The 6th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS 2010), November16-19, Guilin, China, 2010.
- Brnić, J.: Structural steels S 355JO and 50CrMo4: comparison of their mechanical properties, creep behavior anf fracture toughness, International Conference on Innovative Technologies, In- Tech 2010, Brno, Czech Republic, 612-615, September 2010.
- Brnić, J.: Creep experimental investigation and numerical structural analysis, DAAAM Baltic conference, Estonia, tallinn, April 23-27, 2008.( Plenary Lecture)
- Brnić, J., An overview of finite element structural analysis, University of Tai-Yuan, Taiyuan, China, April, 2008.
- Brnić, J., Application of plate finite elements, Harbin institute of Technology, Harbin , China, April 2008.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D.: Behavior of high strength low-alloy(HSLA)steel at elevated temperatures, Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, Zhengzhou : The Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, 23.-27. October 2007.(Plenary Lecture).
- Brnić, J.: Applications of finite elements, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, September 2006.
- Brnić, J.: Types of finite elements, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, September 2006.
- Brnić, J.: Determination of finite element equation, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, September 2006.
- Brnić, J.: Structural analysis using finite element method, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, September 2006.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: New finite elements in shear stress analysis of Saint – Venant’s torsional loaded beam structures, The 4th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, ICPNS 2004, Shanghai, China, 2004.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.: Application of finite element structural optimization in naval architecture, The 10th International Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, Timisoara, Romania, November 6-9, 2003.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.: Optimal design procedure based on the viscoplastic material behaviour, The Third International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials and Hot Working, ICPNS ’99, Beijing, China, 1999.
- Brnić, J.: Finite Element non-linear analysis of a special rolling problem, Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meetings, Göd/Budapest, 1998.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Finite element formulation of flattening process as a plane-strain problem, Balatonalmadi, Hungary, 1998.
- Brnić, J.: Finite element nonlinear analysis of a special rolling problem, Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meeting, Göd/Budapest, Hungary, 1998.
- Brnić, J.: Finite element modelling of creep phenomenon of different materials, (invited lecture), International Conference on Recent Advances in Metallurgical Processes (ICRAMP ’97), Bangalore, India, 1997.
- Brnić, J.: Mechanical sublayer method in creep and relaxation phenomena numerical modelling, Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meeting, Göd/Budapest, Hungary, 1996.
- Brnić, J.: Structural optimization via plastic design criteria, Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meeting, Göd/Budapest, Hungary, 1996.
- Brnić, J.: Theory of viscoplasticity – Fundamentals and Numerical Solutions, Pannonian Applied Mathematical Meeting, Göd/Budapest, Hungary, 1996.
- Brnić, J.: Analitička i numerička rješenja u području elasto-viskopalstičnosti, Strojarski fakultet, Slavonski Brod, 1996.
- Brnić, J.: Razvoj novih konačnih elemenata za analizu posmičnih naprezanja, Strojarski fakultet, Slavonski Brod, 1996.
- Brnić, J.: Finite Element Analysis of Saint-Venant’s Torsion Problem, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno, Czech Republic, 1995.
- 2019-2024 Suradnik na projektu HRZZ –a (Hrvatska zaklada za znanost): “Procjena granične nosivosti inženjerskih konstrukcija”, vod. Prof. D. Lanc.
- 2018-2021 Voditelj znanstvenog projekta (UNIRI support), “Istraživanje, analiza I modeliranje ponašanja konstrukcijskih elemenata pri sobnoj i povišenim temperaturama (”Investigation, analysis and modeling the behavior of structural elements stressed at room temperature and high temperatures”).
- 2018-2021 Suradnik na znanstvenom projektu (UNIRI support), “Analiza oštećenja materijala u morskom okolišu”- voditelj: Prof. Vukelić Goran (“Analysis of the failures of materils in sea environmental conditions”).
- 2014-2018 Voditelj znanstvenog prijekta „Assessment of structural behaviour in limit state operating conditions“ HRZZ-a (Croatia Science Foundation – HRVATSKA ZAKLADA ZA ZNANOST). Suradnici na projektu: profesori: G. Turkalj, M. Čanađija, D. Lanc, docenti: M. Brčić, G. Vukelić, znanstveni suradnici: I. Pešić, S. Kršćanski, znanstveni novaci (asistenti): N. Munjas, E. Merdanović, D. Banić (od 1.3.2015).
- 2014-2015 Voditelj (s hrvatske strane) bilateralnog znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta (Croatia – China): „Material properties, creep behavior, fracture toughness and microstructure of metal alloys – experimental analysis and numerical simulations“ . Suradnici s hrvatske strane – profesori: G. Turkalj, M. Canadija, D. Lanc, M. Brcic. Voditelj projekta s kineske strane: Prof. Jitai Niu (School of Material Science and Engineering, Jiaozuo, Henan Polytechnic University, Cina).
- 2014-2015 Voditelj (s hrvatske strane) bilateralnog znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta (Croatia – Austria): „Influence of Heat Affected Zone of electron beam welded steel casting GX4CrNi13-4 on the fatigue strength” (Utjecaj toplinske zone uzrokovane elektronskim snopom zavarenog martenzitnog čelika GX4CrNi13-4 na čvrstoću materijala pri zamoru). Suradnici s hrvatske strane – profesori: G. Turkalj, M. Canadija, D. Lanc, M. Brcic, asistenti: S. Krscanski, I. Pesic, E. Merdanovic, N. Munjas. Voditelj projekta s austrijske strane : Dr. Rudolf Vallant (Institute for Materials Science and Welding (IWS), Graz University of Technology).
- 2012- 2013 Voditelj (s hrvatske strane) bilateralnog znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta (Croatia – Slovenia): „Analysis of conditions for control of metal forming processes”, Croatia-Slovenia. Suradnici s hrvatske strane: M. Canadija, M. Brcic, G. Vukelic, M. Krsulja. Voditelj projekta s slovenske strane: Prof. Karl Kuzman, Ph. D. / Prof. Tomaž Pepelnjak, Ph.D.
- 2009-2011 Voditelj (s hrvatske strane) bilateralnog znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta (Croatia – China): „Metal alloys behavior at different environmental conditions-testing and numerical simulations“. Suradnici s hrvatske strane: M. Čanađija, G. Turkalj, D. Lanc. Voditelj projekta s kineske strane: Prof. Jitai Niu, Ph.D. (School of Material Science and Engineering, Jiaozuo, Henan Polytechnic University, Cina). Suradnici: Prof. Sijie CHEN, Ph.D, Prof.Qiang LI, Ph.D, and Associate Prof. Dongxia XU, Ph.D.
- 2007-2013 Voditelj znanstvenog programa: „Analiza odziva konstrukcija i strojeva s ciljem efikasnijeg projektnog rješenja“, Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske.
- 2007- 2013 Glavni istraživač znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta: “Numerička analiza odziva konstrukcija za određena područja eksploatacije”, br. 069-0691736-1737, Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske
- 2007- 2013 Član istraživačkog tima znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta:“Konačnoelementni modeli za analizu stabilnosti grednih struktura, br. 069-0691736-1731, Voditelj: Prof. dr. sc. G. Turkalj.
- 2002-2007 Glavni istraživač znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta: “Numerička analiza nelinearnih problema u projektiranju i proizvodnji”, br. 0069-006, Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske.
- 1996-2001 Glavni istraživač znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta: “Numerička optimizacija u projektiranju i proizvodnji”, br. 069-001, Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske.
- 1991-1996 Član istraživačkog tima znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta: “Vibracije turbinskih lopatica s visokim statičkim naprezanjima”, br. 2-06-049, (voditelj prof. dr. sc. M. Butković), Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske.
- 1991-1996 Glavni istraživač znanstveno – istraživačkog projekta: “Strukturalne analize objekata za optimalnu iskoristivost”, br. 2-08-011, Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske.
- 1989 Voditelj istraživačkog tima na studiji: “Numerička analiza smičnih naprezanja u poprečnim presjecima strukture brodskog trupa iz stakloplastike”, Brodarski institut – Brodoprojekt.
- 1988/89 Član istraživačkog tima na projektu “Proračun i dizajn turističke podmornice”, Brodoprojekt.
- 1987 Voditelj istraživačkog tima na studiji: “Strukturna analiza i dizajn novih modela ulaza i sustava njihovih rasterećenja za specijalne podvodne objekte”, Brodoprojekt.
- 1986 Voditelj istraživačkog tima na studiji: “Numerička analiza i optimizacija konstrukcije pregradnih stijena podvodnih objekata za visoke pritiske”, Brodoprojekt.
- 1985-1990 Član istraživačkog tima Tehničkog fakulteta na znanstveno-istraživačkom projektu: “Optimizacija nosivih tankostijenih struktura”, br., SIZ za znanost R.Hrvatske.
- 1985 Voditelj istraživačkog tima na studiji: “Dinamički model gibanja podvodnog objekta”, Brodoprojekt” – Ministarstvo obrane.
Magistarski rad
- Brnić, J.: Analiza vibracija ravninskih konstrukcija elektroničkim računalom, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Ljubljana, 1983.
Doktorska disertacija
- Brnić, J.: Analiza stanja naprezanja poprečnih presjeka statički opterećenih grednih elemenata, Tehnički fakultet Rijeka, Rijeka, 1988.
- (2018) Brnić, J.: Analysis of Engineering Structures and Material Behavior, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK; Hoboken, NJ, USA, 462+30 str
- (2013) Brnić, J.: Osnove optimizacije mehaničkih konstrukcija, Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 211. str.
- (2009) Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Analiza deformabilnih tijela metodom konačnih elemenata, Fintrade & Tours, d.o.o., Rijeka, 474+XX str.
- (2006) Čanađija, M., Brnić, J., Finite strain thermoplasticity: constitutive theory and numerical implementation, Monographical booklets (Applied & Computer Mathematics), Interuniversity Network, Budapest, 118 str.
- (2006) Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Nauka o čvrstoći II, Zigo, Rijeka, 700 str.
- (2004) Brnić, J., Turkalj,G.: Nauka o čvrstoći I , Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, 545 str.
- (2004) Brnić, J.: Statika , Tehnički fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Rijeka, 325 str.
- (1998) Brnić, J.: Elastoplasticity and Elastoviscoplasticity, Monographical booklets (Applied & Computer Mathematics), PAMM Center, Budapest, 167 str.
- (1996) Brnić, J.: Elastomehanika i plastomehanika, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 323 str.
- (1993) Brnić, J.: Mehanika i elementi konstrukcija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 543 str.
- (1991) Brnić, J.: Nauka o čvrstoći, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 320 str.
- Alfirević, I., Brnić, J. : Teorija viskoelastičnosti, poglavlje 7.11 u knjizi, Inženjerski priručnik I, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Comparison of measured and computed contact pressure distribution in cold sheet rolling process, u AMST ’99, ed. Elso Kuljanić, Springer Verlag, Wien, 1999.
- Brnic, J., Canadija, M., Turkalj, G.: Finite elastoplasticity in plane strain cold rolling problem, in Kuljanic, E. (ed.): Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology, CISM Courses and Lectures No. 437, Springer-Verlag, Wien – New York, 2002.
- Turkalj, G., Brnic, J.: Nonlinear finite element stability analysis of elastic thin-walled framed structures, in Katalinic, B. (ed.): DAAAM International Scientific Book 2002, DAAAM International, Vienna, 2002.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: A contribution to optimisation in thermomechanics. Shape and layout problems. in Katalinic, B. (ed.): DAAAM International Scientific Book 2003, DAAAM International, Vienna, 2003.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Lanc, D.: Non-linear formulation for elastic stability analysis of thin-walled beam-type structures, in Jarmani, K. & Farkas, J. (eds.) Metal Structures: Design, Fabrication, Economy, Millpress, Rotterdam, 2003.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Lanc, D.: Elasto-plastic large displacement analysis of thin- walled beam-type structures, in Bontempi, F. (ed): System-based Vision for Strategic and Creative Design, A.A. Balkema Publishers, Lisse, 2003.
- Brnić, J.; Vukelić, G.; Kršćanski, S.: Comparison of Some Structural and Stainless Steels Based on the Mechanical Properties and Resistance to Creep, Mechanical and Materials Engineering of Modern Structure and Component / Dr Andreas Oechsner (ur.), Berlin :, 2015. Str. 189-196.
1.11. A
Radovi objavljeni u inozemnim časopisima
- Brnić, J., Kršćanski, S., Brčić, M.: Comparison of responses of different types of steel alloys under the same loading and environmental conditions, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, (2021), 1-9 doi:10.1177/1464420720984507
- Gao, Z., Ji, F., Cheng, D., Yin, C., Niu, J., Brnić, J.:Hydrolysis-Based Hydrogen Generation Investigation of Aluminum System Adding Low-Melting Metals, Energies, 14 (2021), 5; 1433, 12 doi:10.3390/en14051433
- Brnić, J, Brčić, M., Kršćanski, S., Niu, J., Chen, S., Gao, Z.: Deformation Behavior of C15E+C Steel under Different Uniaxial Stress Tests, Metals, 10 (2020), 11, 1445, 19, doi:10.3390/met10111445.
- Kršćanski, S., Brnić, J.: Prediction of Fatigue Crack Growth in Metallic Specimens under Constant Amplitude Loading Using Virtual Crack Closure and Forman Model, Metals, 10 (2020), 7, 977, 14, doi:10.3390/met10070977.
- Gao, Z.,Ba, X., Yang, H., Yin, C., Liu, S., Niu, J., Brnić, J.: Joining of Silicon Particle-Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Composites to Kovar Alloys Using Active Melt-Spun Ribbons in Vacuum Conditions, Materials, 13 (2020), 13; 2965, 16, doi:10.3390/ma13132965.
- Gao, Z., Yang, H., Feng, J., Ji, F., Niu, J., Brnić, J.: Flux-Free Diffusion Joining of SiCp/6063 Al Matrix Composites Using Liquid Gallium with Nano-Copper Particles in Atmosphere Environment, Nanomaterials, 10 (2020), 3, 437-449.
- Brnić, J., Kršćanski, S., Brčić, M., Geng, L., Niu, J., Ding, B.: Reliable experimental data as a key factor for design of mechanical structures, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 72 (2019), 2, 245-256.
- Brnić, J., Brčić. M., Kršćanski, S., Lanc, D., Chen, S.: Uniaxial fatigue, creep ans stress-strain responses of steel 30CrNiMo8, Steel and Composite Structures, 31 (2019), 4, 409-416.
- Čanađija, M., Munjas, N., Brnić, J.: Thermodynamically consistent homogenization in finite strain thermoplasticity, International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 17 (2019), 2, 99–120.
- Brnić, J., Brčić, M., Kršćanski, S., Lanc, D., Niu, J., Wang, P.: Steel 51CrV4 under high temperatures, short- time creep and high cycle fatigue, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 147 (2018); 468-476.
- Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Banić, D., Brnić, J., Vo, Thuc P.: A shear-deformable beam model for stability analysis of orthotropic composite semi-rigid frames, Composite structures, 189 (2018); 648-660.
- Munjas, N., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Thermo-Mechanical Multiscale Modeling in Plasticity of Metals Using Small Strain Theory, Journal of mechanics, 34 (2018), 5, 579-589.
- Brnić, J., Kršćanski, S., Lanc, D., Brčić, M., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Niu, J.: Analysis of the Mechanical Behavior, Creep Resistance and Uniaxial Fatigue Strength of Martensitic Steel X46Cr13, Materials, 10 (2017), 4, 388-406.
- Brnic, J, Turkalj, G., Krscanski, S., Vukelic, G., Canadija, M.: Uniaxial Properties versus Temperature, Creep and Impact Energy of an Austentic Steel, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 36 (2017), 2, 135-143.
- Torić, N., Brnić, J., Boko, I., Brčić, M., Burgess, I. W., Uzelac- Glavinić, I.; Development of a high temperature material model for grade S275JR steel, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 137 (2017), 161–168.
- Vukelić, G., Brnić, J.: Numerical Prediction of Fracture Behavior for Austenitic and Martensitic Stainless Steels, International Journal of Applied Mechanics 9 (2017), 4, 1750052 (11 pages).
- Čanađija, M., Brčić, M., Brnić, J.: Elastic properties of nanocomposite materials: influence of carbon nanotube imperfections and interface bonding, Meccanica, 52 (2017), 7, 1655-1668.
- Torić, N., Brnić, J., Boko, I., Brčić, M., Burgess, Ian W.; Uzelac, I.: Experimental Analysis of the Behaviour of Aluminium Alloy EN6082 AW T6 at High Temperature, Metals, 7 (2017), 4, 1-15.
- Brnić, J; Čanađija, M.; Turkalj, G.; Kršćanski, S.; Lanc, D.; Brčić, M. Zeng, G.: Short-Time Creep, Fatigue and Mechanical Properties of 42CrMo4-Low Alloy Structural Steel, Steel and Composite Structures, 22 (2016), 4, 875-888.
- Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Vo, T. P., Brnić, J.: Nonlinear buckling behaviours of thin-walled functionally graded open section beams, Composite Structures, 152 (2016), 829-839.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D., Kršćanski, S., Brčić, M., Li, Q., Niu, J.: Mechanical Properties, Short Time Creep and Fatigue of an Austenitic Steel, Materials, 9 (2016), 4, 298-1-298-19.
- Vukelić, G., Brnić, J.: Predicted Fracture Behavior of Shaft Steels with Improved Corrosion Resistance, Metals, 6 (2016), 2, 40-1-40-9.
- Gao, Z., Chen, Z.R., Wu, Y. H., Niu, J., Brnić, J.: Structure and properties of welded joint of high-strength wear-resistant steel NM360, Materials Science and Technology, 32 (2016), 4, 299.302.
- Vukelić, G., Brnić, J.: Analysis of Austenitic Stainless Steels (AISI 303 and AISI 316Ti) Regarding Crack Driving Forces and Creep Responses, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 230 (2016), 3, 699-704.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Krscanski, S., Niu, J., Li, Q.: Changes in the Material Properties of Steel 1.4762 Depending on the Temperature, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 35 (2016), 8, 761-767.
- Brnic J., Turkalj G., Canadija M., Krscanski S., Brcic M., Lanc D., .: Deformation Behavior and Material Properties of Austenitic Heat – Resistant Steel X15CrNiSi25-20 Subjected to High Temperatures and Creep, Materials and Design, 69 (2015), 219-229, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2014.12.062.
- Brnic J., Turkalj G., Canadija M., Lanc D., Brcic M.: Study of the Effects of High Temperatures on the Engineering Properties of Steel 42CrMo4, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 34 (2015), 1, 27-34. DOI: 10.1515/htmp-2014-0011.
- Vukelic G., Brnic J.: Prediction of Fracture Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steel Based on Numerical Crack Driving Force Assessment, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 27 (2015), 3, 04014132-1 – 04014132-5 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0001071.
- Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Brnić, J., Pešić, I.: A beam formulation for large displacement analysis of composite frames with semi-rigid connections, Composite Structures 134 (2015), 237-246.
- Brnic J., Turkalj G., Krscanski S., Lanc D., Canadija M., Brcic M.: Information relevant for the design of structure – ferritic-heat resistant high chromium steel X10CrAlSi25, Materials & Design, 63 (2014), 508-518, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2014.06.051.
- Brnic J., Turkalj G., Canadija M.: Mechanical Testing of the Behavior of Steel 1.7147 at Different Temperatures, Steel and Composite Structures, 17 (2014), 5, 549-560.
- Brnic J., Turkalj G., Canadija M., Niu J.: Experimental determination and prediction of the mechanical properties of steel 1.7225, Materials Science and Engineering A, 600 (2014), 47–52.
- Brnic, J., Turkalj G., Lanc D., Canadija M., Brcic, M., Vukelic G.: Comparison of material properties: Steel 20MnCr5 and similar steels, Journal of Constructional Steel Research 95 (2014), 81–89.
- Čanađija M., Guo X., Lanc D., Yang W., Brnić´ J.: Low cycle fatigue and mechanical properties of magnesium alloy Mg–6Zn–1Y–0.6Ce–0.6Zr at different temperatures, Materials & Design, 59 (2014), 287–295.
- Brčić, M., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Estimation of material properties of nanocomposite structures, Meccanica, 48 (2013), 9, 2209-2220.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Niu, J., Čanadija, M., Lanc, D.: Analysis of experimental data on the behavior of steel S275JR – Reliability of modern design, Materials & Design, 47 (2013), 497-504.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Kršćanski S.: Experimental Research and Analysis of Non-alloy Structural Steel Response Exposed to High Temperature Conditions, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 32 (2013), 2, 163-169.
- Brnić, J; Vukelić, G., Turkalj, G.: Crack Driving Force Prediction Based on Finite Element Analysis Using Standard Models, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 44(2012), 5, 601-609.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D., Kršćanski, S.: Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steel American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 303 (1.4305) Subjected to Different Environmental Conditions, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 40 (2012), 2, 319-328.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Vukelić, G., Brčić, M.: Analysis of the Dependence of Material Properties on Temperature – Steel 1.4122, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 31 (2012), 3, 259-266.
- Niu, J., Luo, X., Tian, H., Brnić, J.: Vacum brazing of aluminium metal matrix composite (55 vol.%SiCp/A356) using aluminium –based filter alloy, Materials Science and Engineering:B , 177 (2012) , 19, 1707-1711 .
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Lanc, D., Kravanja, S.: Updated Lagrangian formulation for nonlinear stability analysis of thin-walled frames with semi-rigid connections, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 12 (2012), 3, 1250013-01 – 1250013-23 (23 pages).
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D.: AISI 316Ti (1.4571) Steel – Mechanical, Creep and Fracture Properties versus Temperature, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 67 (2011), 12, 1948-1952.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D.: Loading and Responses of Austenitic Stainless Steels at Elevated Temperatures, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 30 (2011), 6, 579-586.
- Vukelić, G.; Brnić, J.: Pressure Vessel Steels Crack Driving Force Assessment Using Different Models, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 72 (2012), 29 – 34.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D., Kršćanski, S.: Martensitic Stainless Steel AISI 420 – Mechanical Properties, Creep and Fracture Toughness, Mechanics of Time- Dependent Materials, 15 (2011), 4, 341-352.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Kravanja, S.: A beam model for large displacement analysis of flexibly connected thin-walled beam-type structures, Thin-Walled Structures, 49 (2011), 8, 1007-1016.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Brčić, M., Vukelić, G.: Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Behavior of Structural Steel 50CrMo4, High Temperature Materials and Processes, 30 (2011), 1-2, 121-125.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Structural Steel ASTM A709-Behavior at Uniaxial Tests Conducted at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Short-Time Creep Response and Fracture Toughness Calculation, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 136 (2010), 9, 1083-1089.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: A dissipation model for cyclic non-associative thermoplasticity at finite strains, Mechanics Research Communications, 37(2010), 6, 510-514.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: 50CrMo4 Steel-Determination of Mechanical Properties at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures, Creep Behavior and Fracture Toughness Calculation, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 132 (2010), 2, 021004-1-021004-6.
- Brnic, J., Turkalj, G., Canadija, M.: Shear stress analysis in engineering beams using deplanation field of special 2-D finite elements, Meccanica, 45 (2010), 2, 227-235.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Behavior of S 355JO Steel Subjected to Uniaxial Stress at Lowered and Elevated Temperatures and Creep, Bulletin of Materials Science, 33 (2010), 4, 475-481.
- Brnić, J., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.: Comparison of Both Creep Resistance and Material Properties of HSLA Steel and Stainless Steel, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 37 (2009), 4, 358-363.
- Brnić, J., Niu, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Behavior of AISI 316L steel subjected to uniaxial state of stress at elevated temperatures, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 25 (2009), 2, 175-180.
- Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Brnić, J.: Large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic framed structures under creep regimes, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 9 (2009), 1, 61-83.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Vizentin, G., Lanc, D.: Numerical simulation of instability behaviour of thin-walled frames with flexible connections, Materials Science and Engineering A, 499(2009), 74-77.
- Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Large-displacement analysis of beam-type structures considering elastic-plastic material behavior, Materials Science and Engineering A, 499 (2009), 142-146.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J., Nonlinear kinematic hardening in coupled thermoplasticity, Materials Science and Engineering A, 499 (2009), 275-278.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D.: Creep behavior of high-strength low-alloy steel at elevated temperatures, Materials Science and Engineering A, 499(2009), 23-27.
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- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Finite element modeling and shear stress analysis of engineering structural elements, Proc. IMechE, Part G: J. Aerospace Engineering, 222(G6), (2008), 861-872.
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- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Associative coupled thermoplasticity at finite strain with temperature-dependent material parameters, International Journal of Plasticity, 20 (2004), 10, 1851-1874.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: New finite elements in shear stress analysis of Saint – Venant’s torsional loaded beam structures, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 19 (2003), 1, 151-153.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Prpić-Oršić, J.: Large rotation analysis of elastic thin-walled beam-type structures using ESA approach, Computers & Structures, 81 (2003), 18-19, 1851-1864.
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- Vukelić, G., Brnić, J.: Numerically Predicted J-integral as a Measure of Crack Driving force for Steels 1.7147 and 1.4762, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 55 (2017), 2; 659-666.
- Vukelić, G., Brnić, J.: Marine Shaft Steels (AISI 4140 and AISI 5120) Predicted Fracture Toughness by FE Simulation, Materials Science-Medziagotyra, 23 (2017), 1, 16 -20.
- Banić, D., Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Finite Element Stress Analysis of Elastic Beams under Non-Uniform Torsion, TRANSACTIONS OF FAMENA, 40 (2016) , 2; 71-82.
- Brnic J.,Turkalj G., Niu J., Canadija M., Lanc D.: Significance of Experimental data in the design of structure made from 1.4057 steel, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology- Mater Sci Ed, 29 (2014), 1, 131-136.
- Čanađija, M., Brčić, M., Brnić, J.: A Finite element model for thermal dilatation of carbon nanotubes, Reviews on advanced materials science, 33 (2013), 1,1-6.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Čanadija, M., Brčić, M., Vukelic, G., Munjas, N.: Testing and Analysis of X39CrMo17-1 Steel Properties, Construction and Building Materials, 44 (2013), 293-301.
- Vukelić, G., Brnić, J., Brčić, M.: Numerical Assessment of Crack Driving Force for Two Types of Steels, TRANSACTIONS of FAMENA, 35 (2011), 4, 15-20.
- Brnic, J., Niu, J., Turkalj, G., Canadija, M., Lanc, D.: Behavior of HSLA A709 Steel at Different Environmental Conditions, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 25 (2010), 6, 897-902.
- Brnic, J., Niu, J.,Turkalj, G., Canadija, M., Lanc, D.: Experimental determination of mechanical properties and short-time creep of AISI 304 steel at elevated temperatures, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 17 (2010), 1, 39-45.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Creep Responses of HSLA Steels, TRANSACTIONS of FAMENA, 33(2009),1, 23-30.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Pepelnjak, T., Barišić, B., Vukelić, G., Brčić, M.:Tool Material Behavior at Elevated Temperatures, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24 (2009), 1-5.
- Vukelić, G., Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Brčić, M., Pešić, I.: Two- Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Pipelines with Axial Flaws, TRANSACTIONS of FAMENA, 32(2008), 1,1-7.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Kršćanski, S.: Response of AISI 304 steel under uniaxial stress at elevated temperatures, TRANSACTIONS of FAMENA, 32(2008), 2, 3-10.
- Turkalj, G., Čehić, Z., Brnić, J.: A beam model for the buckling analysis of curved beam-type structures considering curvature effects, TRANSACTIONS of FAMENA, 30 (2007) , 1, 1-16.
- SCOPUS, Material Science Citation Index, Applied Mechanics Reviews, Zentralblatt Math, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts…
- Brnić, J.; Brčić, M.; Kršćanski, S.; Čanađija, M.; Niu, J.: Analysis of Materials of Similar Mechanical Behavior and Similar Industrial Assignment, Procedia Manufacturing, 37 (2019); 207-213.
- Brčić, M., Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Equivalent beam model of SWNT and DWNT with imperfections, Procedia Manufacturing, 37 (2019), 417-424.
- Brnić, J., Kršćanski, S., Brčić, M: Analysis of the mechanical response of materials used in design for highly stressed components, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 625 (2019), 012003-1-012003-5, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/625/1/012003.
- Brčić, M., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Equivqlent beam model of single waled carbon nanotube with Imperfections, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 625 (2019) 012004-1-012004-5, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/625/1/012004
- Brnić, J., Kršćanski, S., Brčić, M: Comparison of the mechanical behavior of materials subjected to specific operating conditions, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 378 (2018) 012007 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/378/1/012007.
- Brčić, M., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Imperfections in carbon nanotubes structure and their impact on the basic mechanical properties, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 378 (2018) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/378/1/012006.
- Čanađija, M., Munjas, N., Brnić, J.: A multiscale approach to thermoplastic deformation, PAMM; 16 (2016), 1, 435-436.
- Brčić, M., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Influence of Waviness and Vacancy Defects on Carbon Nanotubes Properties, Procedia Engineering 100 (2015), 213-219.
- Brnić, J., Brčić, M.: Comparison of Mechanical Properties and Resistance to Creep of 20MnCr5 Steel and X10CrAlSi25 Steel, Procedia Engineering 100 (2015), 84-89.
- Lanc, D., Bukša, M., Brnić, J.: Finite element simulation of thin-walled beam type-structure buckling under creep regime, International virtual journal for science, technics and innovations for the industry MACHINES, TECHNOLOGIES, MATERIALS 2 (2014), 11-14.
- Brčić, M., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Multiscale Modeling of Nanocomposite Structures with Defects, Key Engineering Materials, 577-578 (2013) 141-144.
- Brnić, J., Niu, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D., Brčić, M., Kršćanski, S., Vukelić, G.: Comparison of Material Properties and Creep Behavior of 20MnCr5 and S275JR Steels, Materials Science Forum, 762 (2013), 47-54.
- Čanađija, M., Brčić, M., Brnić, J.: Bending behaviour of single-layered graphene nanosheets with vacancy defects, Engineering Review, 33 (2013), 1, 9-14.
- Vukelić, G., Brnić, J.: J-Integral as Possible Criterion in Material Fracture Toughness Assessment, Engineering Review, 31 (2011), 2, 91-96.
- Brčić, M., Čanadija, M., Brnić, J., Lanc, D., Kršćanski, S., Vukelić, G.: FE modelling of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Estonian Journal of Engineering, 15 (2009), 2, 77–86.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Solution strategies for nonlinear-coupled thermomechanical problems. Scientific Bulletin of the ‘Politehnica’ University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics, 51(65) (2007), 2, 33-40.
- Brnić, J., Vukelić, G., Brčić, M.: Discrete optimization of a platform for a given loads, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2007, 075-080.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D., Vukelić, G.: Thin-walled panel finite elements in shearing stress analysis of thin walled beam-type structures. Scientific Bulletin of the ‘Politehnica’ University of Timisoara, Transactions on Mathematics & Physics, 52(66) (2007), 1, 1-7.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj. G., Lanc, D.: Response of stainless steel at elevated temperature – short time creep tests and numerical model, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2007, 081-086.
- Brčić, M., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Structural model of single walled carbon nanotube, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2007, 067-074.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Finite Element Panel Method in Beams Shearing Stress Analysis, Masinostroene, Sofija, Bugarska, LIV (2005), 76-79.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Sandwich Structures in Naval Industry, Masinostroene, Sofija, Bugarska, LIV(2005), 42-45
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J., Brčić, M: Application of a Contact Model in Thermoplastic Problems, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2006, 076-082.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Vukelić, G.: Comparison of Numerical and Analytical Solutions in Bulkheads Plastification, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2006, 068-075
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Application of special 2-D triangular finite elements in analysis and design of thin-walled beam type structures, Mašinostroene, Sofia, 2005, 37-40.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: A note on exact and approximative tangent matrices in finite strain thermoplasticity, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2005, 7-14.
- Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Brnić, J.: Buckling analysis of beam structures using Eulerian approach, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2005, 15-20.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D.: Structure life time prediction based on fracture mechanics concepts, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2005, 1-6.
- Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Linear stability analysis of shear-flexible thin-walled beams, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2004, 281-289.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Coupled thermoplasticity with temperature dependent properties, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials, 2004, 419-426.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Čehic, Z.: Finite Element Analysis of Curved Beam Stability Problems, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2004, 25-30.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Vizentin, G.: Finite Element Model for Initial Stability Analysis of Semi-Rigid Frames, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2004, 33-38.
- Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Brnić, J.: An Algorithm in Computer Stability Anaylsis of Elastic Thin-Walled Beam Structures, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2004, 41-46.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Modelling of Cyclic Processes in Thermoplasticity, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2004, 03-10.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.: Application of finite element structural optimization in naval architecture, Bulletin of Politehnica University of Timisoara -Transactions on Mathematics & Physics, Timisoara-Romania, 2003, 353-365.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.: Structural optimization based on viscoplastic constraints, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2003, 451-460.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Numerical simulation of necking process, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2003, 017-024.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Roščić, S.: A general framework of a unique optimum, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2003, 9-15
- Lanc, D., Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Finite element modeling creep material behaviour, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2002, 481-488.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Roščić, S.: Numerical modeling of free vibration response of open thin walled structures, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 2002, 489-496.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.; Thin-walled beam element for analysis of large displacement problems, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 1999, 15-24.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Additive and multiplicative strain decomposition in large strain elastoplastic response, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 1999, 7-14.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Computational non-linear analysis of structural stability, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 1999, 15-24.
- Brnić, J. Čanađija, M.: Computer based solution in engineering contact problems, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 1999, 7-14.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Finite element analysis of purely torsional buckling of thin-walled structures caused by uniform axial compression, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 1998, 079-086
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Finite element formulation of flattening process as plane-strain problem, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 1998, 249-260
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Numerical comparable stability analysis of thin-walled beam structures for different cross-sectional shapes, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 1998, 91-98.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Finite element nonlinear analysis of a special rolling problem, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 1998,. 83-90.
- Brnić, J. Turkalj, G.: Wrinkling and Euler Buckling, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 1997, pp. 11-20.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.: Numerical determination of geometrical properties based on creep behaviour prediction, Bulletins for Applied & Computer Mathematics, Budapest, 1997, 21-28.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Mechanical sublayer method in creep and relaxation phenomena numerical modelling, Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapest, 1996., 295-306.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Structural optimization via plastic design criteria, Bulletins for Applied Mathematics, Budapest, 1996, 19-28.
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- Radovi objavljeni u zbornicima međunarodnih znanstvenih skupova
- Brnic, J., Vukelic, G.: Experimental determination of material mechanical properties and modeling of material behavior in special environmental conditions, Eccomas Proceedings of 6th Europian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM VI) – (Solids, Structuresand Coupled Problems) and 7th Europian Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VII), Editors: Roger Owen, Rene de Borst, Jason Reese, Chris Pearce, Glasgow,Scotland,UK, 11-15 June 2018, 4361-4366.
- Vukelic, G., Brnic, J.: Using experimental and numerical characterization in comparing marine exhaust system stainless steels, Eccomas Proceedings of 6th Europian Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM VI)- (Solids, Structuresand Coupled Problems) and 7th Europian Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VII), Editors: Roger Owen, Rene de Borst, Jason Reese, Chris Pearce, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 11-15 June 2018, 4423-4431.
- Torić, N., Burgess, I. W., Brnić, J., Boko, I., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Harapin, A., Divić, V., Uzelac, I.: A unified rheological model for analysis of steel behaviour at high temperature, Structures in Fire, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference / Moreyra Garlock, Maria E. ; Kodur, V.K.R. (ur.), Lancaster, Pennsylvania : DEStech Publications, Inc., 2016., 1008-1015.
- Brčić, M., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Influence of Imperfections on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Polymer Matrix Nanocomposites, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Kožar, Ivica ; Bićanić, Nenad ; Jelenić, Gordan ; Čanađija, Marko (ur.), Opatija, Croatia, 2015.
- Munjas, N., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Thermo-mechanical multiscale modeling in plasticity of metals, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Kožar, Ivica ; Bićanić, Nenad ; Jelenić, Gordan ; Čanađija, Marko (ur.), Opatija, Croatia, 2015.
- Vukelić, G., Brnić, J.: Mechanical Properties Determination and Crack Behavior Prediction for Steels 1.4057 and 1.7225, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics / Kožar, Ivica ; Bićanić, Nenad ; Jelenić, Gordan ; Čanađija, Marko (ur.)., Opatija : Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2015, 106-107.
- CHENG, D., NIU, J., GAO, Z., Brnić, J.: Elements Diffusion in Brazing Seam of High Volume Fraction SiCp/6063Al Matrix Composites, Proceedings of International Conference on Frontiers in Materials Processing, Application, Research and Technology (FiMPART 15).
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Vukelić, G.: Importance of Experimental Research in the Design of Structures, Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium, Katalinić, Branko (ur.), Vienna: DAAAM International, 2012, 147-150.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Merdanović, E., Munjas, N.: Numerical model for nonlinear stability analysis of spatial frames with semi-rigid connections , Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics / Bai, Yilong ; Wang, Jianxiang ; Fang, Daining (ur.), Beijing : The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics & The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2012, SM14-014.
- Vukelić, G., Brnić, J.: Comparison of Materials Fracture Resistance Based on J-criterion, Annals of DAAAM for 2011 & Proceedings of the 22nd International DAAAM Symposium / Katalinić, Branko (ur.).,Beč : DAAAM International Vienna, 2011, 1411-1412.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Lanc, D.: Numerical model for large displacement analysis of elastic-plastic frames with semi-rigid connections , Proceedings of ICPNS’2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.), Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, 2010,CDROM.
- Lanc, D., Pešić, I., Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: FE model for composite beam-type structure buckling analysis , Proceedings of ICPNS’2010 / Niu, Jitai (ur.). Guilin : Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, 2010, CDROM.
- Brnić, J.: Properties Comparison of Two Constructural Steels: ASTM A505 and ASTM A709 , Annals of DAAAM for 2010& PROCEEDINGS / Branko Katalinić (ur.), Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2010, 85-86.
- Vukelić, G.; Brnić, J.; Kršćanski, S.: Finite Element Analysis of Crack Size Effect on Fracture Criterion as a Measure of Fracture Toughness of Pressure Vessel Materials, Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing, ICPNS 2010, Guilin, China, CDROM.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Uniaxial tests of 50CrMo4 steel at lowered and elevated temperatures and impact notch energy determination , ESMC 2009, 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference. Lisboa, Portugal, 2009, CDROM.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D.: Behavior of high strength low-alloy(HSLA)steel at elevated temperatures, Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing, Zhengzhou : The Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, 23.-27. October 2007.
- Turkalj, G., Vizentin, G., Brnić, J: Hybrid beam element for stability analysis of semi-rigid frames, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 21.-23. September 2006, Trogir, CDROM.
- Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Beam model for creep buckling analysis, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 21.-23. September 2006, Trogir, CDROM.
- Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Beam element for creep analysis for a large displacement regime, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Las Plamas de Gran Canaria, Španjolska, 12-15. September 2006.,CDROM.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Solution Strategies for Nonlinear Coupled Thermomechanical Problems, The 11th International Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, 2.-5. November 2006, Timisoara, Rumunjska.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: A Model for Cyclic Finite Strain Thermoplasticity, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, 21.-23. September 2006, Trogir, CDROM.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Analysis of Thermal Stresses in Beams: Comparison of Finite Element and Analytical Solutions, Kittner, R. (ur.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering – Adding Innovation Capacity of Labour Force and Entrepreneur, DAAAM Baltic, Tallinn, Estonija, 20.-22. April 2006, 19-24.
- Lanc, D., Tukralj, G., Brnić, J.: Geometrically nonlinear analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures using Eulerian approach, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN 2005, Ghent, Belgium, May 30- June 2, 2005, CD-ROM.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Numerical modlling of thermoplastic behaviour of metals under cyclic loading, 3rd International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, CADAM 2005, Šibenik, September 27-October 1, 2005, 11-13.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Coupling in finite strain thermoplasticity, 2nd International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, CADAM 2004, Šibenik, September 28-October 1, 2004, 13-14.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Influence of temperature dependency of material properties in coupled thermoplasticity, Proceedings of the 4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Volume 1, Jyväskylä/Finland, July 24-28, 2004., CDROM.
- Turkalj, G., Lanc, D., Brnić, J.: Stability analysis of thin-walled frames using a shear-flexible beam element, Proceedings of the seventh international conference on computational structures technology, Lisbon/Portugal, September 7-9, 2004, 569-570.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Lanc, D.: Flexural – torsional stability analysis of thin – walled beams, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Material Processing ( ICPNS 2004 ) Shanghai / China , May 17-21, 2004., CDROM.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Application of finite element method in thermomechanics, International DAAAM Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering – New Challenges to SME, Tallinn, Estonia, April 29-30, 2004, 16-19.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Roščić, S.: Pressure vessel optimal design based on viscoplastic material response, Workshop, Optimal Design of Materials and Structures, November 26-28, 2003, Palaiseau, France, Proceedings, CD-ROM.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.: Optimal design of dump truck body based on finite element model, Proceedings of the international conference Motauto ’03, Vol. 2, Automobiles, tractors and industrial trucks, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 01-02, 2003, 6-8.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D.: Shape and layout optimisation of plate girders, Proceedings of the 14th International DAAAM Symposium – Intelligent Manufacturing & Automotion: Focus on Reconstruction and Development, Sarajevo, BiH, October 22-25, 2003, 067-068.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Lanc, D.: Large displacement formulation for elastic-plastic space frames, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Bizovac, Croatia, September 18-20, 2003, 539-546.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Finite plastic straincs within nonisothermal context, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, Bizovac, Croatia, September 18-20, 2003, 97-104.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G., Lanc, D.: Finite strain elastoplasticity in isothermal metal forming process, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Industrial Tools, ICIT 2003, Maribor, Slovenia, April 08-12, 2003., 395-398.
- Roščić, S., Brnić, J., Čehić, Z.: Free vibration model of thin walled beam applied to vehicle structures, Proceedings Motauto ’02, Vol. 2, Automobiles, tractors and industrial trucks, Russe, Bulgaria, October 29-31, 2002, 41-44.
- Brnić, J., Turk, A., Čanađija, M.: Stress distribution in high beam vehicle structure elements like bulkheads based on three different methods of stress analysis, Proceedings Motauto ’02, Vol. 2, Automobiles, tractors and industrial trucks, Russe, Bulgaria, October 29-31, 2002, 27-30.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Shape optimisation in structural thermomechanics with application to pipeline layout problems, Annals of DAAAM for 2002 & Proceedings of the 13th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, Austria, October 23-26, 2002, 077-078.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Roščić, S.: Optimization of thin walled beam cross-section dimensions using stability criteria, Workshop, Optimal Design of Materials and Structures, November 25-27, 2002, Palaiseau, France, (Proceedings, CD-ROM).
- Turkalj, G., Brnic, J., Prpic-Oršic, J.: Updated Lagrangian formulation using ESA approach in large rotation problems of thin-walled beam-type structures, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Civil & Structural Engineering Computing, Eisenstadt-Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2001, (CD-ROM).
- Turkalj, G., Brnic, J., Prpic-Oršic, J.: External stiffness approach for thin-walled frames with elastic-plasticity, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, September 4-6, 2002, (CD-ROM).
- Tukralj, G., Brnic, J.: Incremental stability analysis of elastic thin-walled beam structures using updated Lagrangian formulation, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering ACOMEN 2002, Liege, Belgium, May 28-31, 2002, (CD-ROM).
- Turkalj, G., Brnic, J.: Finite element model for pre- & post-spatial buckling analysis of elastic beams and frames accounting for restrained warping and large rotations, 15th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics NSCM 15, Aalborg, Denmark, October 18-19, 2002, 233-236.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Incremental formulation in finite element stability analysis of thin-walled framed structures, Annals of DAAAM for 2001 & Proceedings of the 12th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Precision Engineering, Jena, Germany, October 24-27, 2001, 489-490.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Prpić-Oršić, J.: Updated Lagrangian formulation using ESA approach in large rotation problems of thin-walled beam-type structures, Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Civil & Structural Engineering Computing, Eisenstadt-Vienna, Austria, September 19-21, 2001, 189-190.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Prpić-Oršić, J.: Lateral buckling analysis using finite element method, 8th International Scientific Conference CO-MAT-TECH 2000, Trnava, Slovakia, 19-20 October 2000, 185-190.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Finite element analysis of rolling process, Annals of DAAAM for 2000 & Proceedings of the 11th International DAAAM Symposium Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Man – Machine – Nature [Org.: DAAAM International Vienna; University of Rijeka; Vienna University of Technology; ÖIAV 1848 Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects], Opatija, October 19-21, 2000, 059-060.
- Brnić, J., Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.: Viscoplastic analysis of energetic equipment members using finite element method, Zbornik radova 5. međunarodnog simpozija Dijagnostika električnih strojeva, transformatora i uređaja & Kvaliteta električne energije EEDEEQ’2000, Rovinj, 2.-3. listopada 2000., 3-6.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Non-linear thin-walled beam model for torsional-flexural analysis, Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics [Org.: Croatian Society of Mechanics; Central European Association for Computational Mechanics CEACM], Cavtat – Dubrovnik, September 28-30, 2000, 317-324.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J., Lanc, D.: Mixed finite element formulations in metal forming modelling, Proceedings of the 6th International Design Conference DESIGN 2000, Dubrovnik, May 23-26, 2000, 521-526.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Prpić-Oršić, J.: Numerical modelling of buckling of thin-walled beam members considering large rotations, Proceedings of the 6th International Design Conference DESIGN 2000, Dubrovnik, May 23-26, 2000, 275-280.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Finite element spatial stability analysis of thin-walled structures, Proceedings of the 10th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Past – Present – Future”, October 21-23, Vienna, 555-556.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G.: Friction layer technique in rolling manufacturing problem, Proceedings of the 10th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Past – Present – Future”, October 21-23, Vienna, 1999, 61-62. 6
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Friction simulation in design of cold rolled products used in vehicle industry, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles, Plovdiv, October 13-15, 1999, pp.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Non-linear stability analysis of vehicle thin-walled beam members, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific-Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles, Plovdiv, October 13-15, 1999, pp.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Geometric non-linear analysis of thin-walled beams, Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Colloquium, CAx Techniques ’99, Bielefeld, Germany, Sep. 13-15, 1999, 65-272.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Lanc, D.: Computational inelasticity modelling in metal forming processes, Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Colloquium, CAx Techniques ’99, Bielefeld, Germany, Sep. 13-15, 1999,183-190.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Basic classification of metal forming processes and their numerical simulation, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools, Vol. 2., Maribor, Slovenia, April 18-22, 1999, 498-501.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Finite element analysis of thin workpieces elastoplastic response in cold flattening process, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Industrial Tools, Vol. 2., Maribor, Slovenia, April 18-22, 1999, 414-417.
- Brnić, J.: Finite element shear stress analysis of welded joints, Proceedings of the International Conference – Welding in Maritime Engineering, Malinska (Is. Krk), October 22.-24., 1998, pp. 231-237., Izdavač: Hrvatsko društvo za teh. zav., ISBN 953-96454-9-1, Ured. Slobodan Kralj, Zoran Kožuh.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Finite elements based computed results in the plane strain rolling problem, Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference – CO-MA-TECH ’98, Trnava, Slovak Republic, October 22-23, 1998, 335-339.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Numerical analysis of elastic and viscoplastic failure modes of energetic service applications, Proceedings of the International Congress ˝Energy and the Environment˝, Vol. I, Opatija, October 28-30, 1998, 393-398.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Load capacity determination of thin-walled beam type structures based on numerical prediction of structure stability, Proceedings of the VIIth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mecahnics (NMCM’98), High Tatras, Slovak Republic, October 6-9, 1998, 159-164.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Numerical stability analysis of thin-walled equipment members, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference: Maintenance of Electrical Machines, Transformers and Equipment – Electric Energy Quality (EEDEEQ’98), Rovinj, October 5-7, 1998, 5-8.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Numerical modeling of forming process of thin-plate workpieces used in equipment manufacturing, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference: “Maintenance of Electrical Machines, Transformers and Equipment – Electric Energy Quality”, EEDEEQ’98, Rovinj, October 5-7, 1998, 1-4.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Torsional buckling analysis of special thin-walled opened cross-section columns used in vehicle design, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific – Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles, MOTAUTO ’98, Vol. IV, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 14-16, 1998, 187-192.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Numerical simulation of a forming process in vehicle metal-forming industry, Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific – Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles, MOTAUTO ’98, Vol. I, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 14-16, 1998, 65-68.
- Brnić, J.: Simulation of cold rolling process of thin plate workpieces, Proceedings of 4th International Conference: “Forming Technology, Tools and Machines”, FORM ’98, Vol. I, Brno, Czech Republic, September 15-16, 1998, pp. 37-42., ISBN 80-214-1182-1, Ed. Milan Forejt.
- Brnić, J.: Finite element modeling in metal forming process, Proceedings of An International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Engineering (ACOMEN’98), Ghent, Belgium, September 2-4, 1998, 149-153.
- Brnić, J.: Pressure vessel design safety based on viscoplastic material behavior, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Trends in Automation of Energetic Processes, Zlin, Czech Republic, May 19-20, 1998, pp. 56-59., ISBN 80-214-1094-9, Ed. Jaroslav Balate, T. Sysala.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J.: Numerical analysis of buckling by torsion and buckling by torsion and flexure, Proceedings of the 9th DAAAM Symposium, Vienna – Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 22-24, 1998, 469-470.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Nonlinear modeling of a special forming process, Proceedings of the 9th DAAAM Symposium, Vienna – Cluj-Napoca, Romania, October 22-24, 1998, 75-76.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Computer contact pressure distribution in cold sheet rolling process, Proceedings of the 5th International Design Conference, DESIGN ´98, Dubrovnik, 1998., 127-132.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Basic concept of numerical optimization model in design and manufacturing, Proceedings of the 5th International Design Conference, DESIGN ´98, Dubrovnik, 1998., 609-614.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G.: Numerical procedure basic concept of cold rolling process, Proceedings of the 8th International DAAAM Symposium: “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation”, Dubrovnik, October 23-25, 1997, 039-040.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.: Numerical and experimental local and global buckling analysis of opened thin-walled beam type structures, Proceedings of the 8th International DAAAM Symposium: “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation”, Dubrovnik, October 23-25, 1997, 041-042.
- Brnić, J.: Numerical optimization of structures in plane strain conditions based on the prediction of viscoplastic material behaviour, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications, Timisoara – Romania, November 6-9, 1997., 67-72.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G.: Determination of pressure vessel wall thickness based on the numerical simulation of viscoplatic material behaviour, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference UPS ’97, [Strojarski fak. Mostar & DAAAM International Vienna-Org.], Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina, September 26-27, 1997., 29-33.
- Brnić, J.: Structure members cross-sectional optimization, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Production Engineering, CIM’97 (Computer Integrated Manufacturing and High Speed Machining), [Hrvatska zajednica proizvodnog strojarstva i PTW Institut Technische Hochshule Darmstadt – Org.], Opatija, June 12-13, 1997., pp. D1-D7.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Finite element stability analysis of thin-walled space frames in vehicle design, Proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific – Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles, MOTAUTO ’97, Russe, Bulgaria,October 15-17, 1997., 31-36.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Shear stress intensity analysis of different vehicle memebers using new finite elements, Proceedings of the Fourth International Scientific – Technical Conference on Internal Combustion Engines and Motor Vehicles, MOTAUTO ’97, Russe, Bulgaria, October 15-17, 1997., 26-30.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G., Čanađija, M.: Numerical prediction of material behaviour in energetic systems at high temperature conditions, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium EEDEEQ (2. Međunarodni simpozij: dijagnostika električnih strojeva, transformatora i uređaja), [Elektrotehničko društvo Zagreb, Verband der Elektrizitätswerke Osterreichs, Wien: Org.], Pula, September 29 – October 1, 1997., 15-18.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Computer simulation of viscoplastic materials phenomena by overlay technique using finite element method, Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Colloquium “CAE Techniques ’97” (Computer – Aided Engineering Techniques), Rzeszow, Poland, September 24-27, 1997., 187-194.
- Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Experimental investigations and finite element procedure of thin walled local and global stability problems, Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Supetar – Brač, September 18-20, 1997., 125-132.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Finite element formulations for cold rolling process, Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Supetar – Brač, September 18-20, 1997., 305-312.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Prediction of metal crrep behaviour used in building energetic systems using finite element method, Proceedings of the Worldwide ECCE Symposium (European Council of Civil Engineers): “Computers in the Practice of Building and Civial Engineering”, Lahti, Finland, September 3-5, 1997., 174-178.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj G., Čanađija M.: Shear stress analysis using new special general quadrilateral finite elements, Proceedings of the 3rd Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, (Book of Abstracts), Stockholm, Sweden, August 18-22, 1997., p. 45.
- Brnić, J.:Optimization of the cross-sectional dimensions of structures using warping method, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 97), Tampere, Finland, August 19-21, 1997., 627-630.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G.: Finite element modelling of creep phenomenon of different materials, Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Metallurgical Processes (ICRAMP-97), Vol. II, Bangalore, India, July 16-19, 1997., 1091-1096.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G.: The possibility of analytical and numerical prediction of equipment material behaviour in energetic systems at special environment conditions, Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning, INTERKLIMA ’97, [FSB-Zagreb, FS – Ljubljana: Org.], Zagreb, April 24-25, 1997, 159-166.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Numerical simulation of the time dependent effect in viscoplastic media, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Tools (ICIT-97), Maribor, Slovenia, April 21-22, 1997., 87-90.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija, M., Turkalj, G.: An algorithm for modelling of elasto-viscoplastic effects in energetic systems, Proceedings of the International Congress: “Energy and the Environment”, Opatija, October 23-25, 1996., 217-222.
- Brnić, J., Čanađija M.: Numerical procedure of elasto-viscoplastic problems solution, Proceedings of the 7th International DAAAM Symposium: “Product&Manufacturing: Flexibility, Integration, Intelligence”, Vienna, October 17-19, 1996., 63-64.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj G.: Computational stability analysis in optimal design procedure of a special type of plane frame structure, Proceedings of the 7th International DAAAM Symposium: “Product&Manufacturing: Flexibility, Integration, Intelligence”, Vienna, October 17-19, 1996., 65-66.
- Sopta, L., Vuković, S., Brnić, J.: Numerical model of pressure transients in pipelines, Proceedings of the International Conference: Adriatic Coastal Zone and Subsea (ACZS), Opatija, March 1-4, 1995., 109-119.
- Brnić, J.: Shear stress analysis in cross-sectional optimization of thin-walled beam-type structures, Proceedings of the 6th International DAAAM Symposium: “Inteligent Manufacturing Systems”, Krakow, October 26-28, 1995., 43-44.
- Brnić, J., Perinić, M.: Describing of construction elements behaviour of maritime units like viscoelastic bodies, Proceedings of the International Conference: Adriatic Coastal Zone and Subsea (ACZS), Opatija, March 1-4, 1995., 162-182.
- Brnić, J.: Determination of the stress concentration factors by finite element method, Brnić, J., Čanađija, M.: Optimal cross-sections of the circular frames of the underwater units, Proceedings of the International Conference: Adriatic Coastal Zone and Subsea (ACZS), Opatija, March 1-4, 1995., 148-160.
- Brnić, J.: Pipe stress analysis like viscoelastic bodies in higher or lower operating temperature ranges, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on New Technologies (5th SONT), Poreč, September 25-27, 1995., 99-102.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Design of maritime construction elements using limit stress analysis, Proceedings of the International Conference: Adriatic Coastal Zone and Subsea (ACZS), Opatija, March 1-4, 1995., 136-146.
- Brnić, J., Sopta, L.: Global approach to the marine structures optimization using finite element method, Proceedings of the International Conference: Adriatic Coastal Zone and Subsea (ACZS), Opatija, March 1-4, 1995., 121-134.
- Proceedings of the 1st Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Pula, September 14-17, 1994., 588-596.
- Brnić, J.: Stress analysis of cross-section of beam elements using special finite elements, Proceedings of the International Seminar and Exibition of the Design, Construction and Operation of the Marine Structure, Teheran, 1990., 254-262.
- Radovi objavljeni u ostalim domaćim časopisima
- Brnić, J.: Elastično temeljenje strojeva i uređaja, Zbornik radova VII, Tehnički fakultet Rijeka, 1983., 1-9.
- Brnić, J.: Analiza naprezanja brodograđevnih i strojarskih konstrukcija specijalnim 2-D konačnim elementima, Pomorski zbornik, 27(1989), Savez društava za proučavanje i unapređenje pomorstva Jugoslavije, Rijeka, 1989., 251-277.
- Brnić, J.: Prilog numeričkom rješavanju analize naprezanja i deformacija brodograđevnih laminiranih nosača, Pomorski zbornik, 28 (1990), Savez društava za proučavanje i unapređenje pomorstva Jugoslavije, Rijeka, 1990., 377-354.
- Brnić, J.: Numeričko određivanje karakteristika poprečnih presjeka strukutrnih elementa metodom jediničnih tangencijalnih naprezanja, Pomorski zbornik, 29(1991), Savez društava za proučavanje i unapređenje pomorstva, Rijeka, 1991., 213-224.
- Brnić, J.: Prilog numeričkoj analizi tankostijenih struktura, Pomorski zbornik, 30 (1992), Savez društava za proučavanje i unapređenje pomorstva, Rijeka, 1992., 407-416.
- Brnić, J.: Određivanje krutosti elemenata elastičnog zavješenja rasvjetnih tijela na plovnim objektima, Pomorski zbornik, 31 (1993), Društvo za proučavanje i unapređenje pomorstva Republike Hrvatske, Rijeka, 1993., 397-407.
- Brnić, J.: Prilog matematičkoj formulaciji viskoelastičnih modela, Zbornik Tehničkog fakulteta Rijeka, 13 (1993), Rijeka, 1993., 21-26.
- Brnić, J., Turkalj, G.: Algorithm for plane frame structures initial stability analysis based on the finite element method, Engineering Review, Technical Faculty, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, 1995., pp. 1-8.
- Brnić, J.: A new criterion for treatment of cross-sections of structure members as thin-walled structures or thick-walled structures, Engineering Review, Technical Faculty, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, 1996., pp. 1-5.
- Radovi objavljeni u zbornicima domaćih znanstvenih skupova
- Brnić, J.: Prilog analizi vibracija ravninskih konstrukcija, Zbornik VII simpozija Teorija i praksa brodogradnje (in memoriam prof. Leopold Sorta), Pula, 1986., 166-178.
- Brnić, J., Ruman, R., Tijanić, M.: O vibracijama pomorskih konstrukcija, Zbornik sažetaka radova: Savjetovanje – problemi čvrstoće konstrukcije objekata morske tehnologije, Zagreb, travanj 14-17, 1987, ref. 11
- Brnić, J., Ruman, R., Traven, F.: Prilog rješavanju stabilnosti ojačanih ploča, Zbornik sažetaka radova: Savjetovanje – problemi čvrstoće konstrukcije objekata morske tehnologije, Zagreb, travanj 14-17, 1987, ref. 11
- Brnić, J.: A contribution to the mathematical modelling in the shaft optimal design process, Proceedings of the 4th Symposium – Design ’96, Vol. 2, Opatija, May 16-17, 1996., pp. 271-275.
- Brčić, M., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Strukturni model jednostruke ugljične nanocijevi, Zbornik radova Prvog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku, Rijeka, 26. Lipanj 2007. pp. 43-48.
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J., Brčić, M., Vukelić, G.: Model neasocijativne termoplastičnosti pri velikim deformacijama , Zbornik radova Prvog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku, Rijeka, 26. Lipanj 2007. pp. 49-54
- Lanc, D., Turkalj, G., Brnić, J., Vizentin, G.: Numerički model za analizu stabilnosti materijalno nelinearnih okvira, Zbornik radova Prvoga susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Čanađija, Marko (ur.), Rijeka : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku, 2007. 133-13
- Čanađija, M., Brnić, J., Brčić, M., Vukelić, G., Kršćanski, S.: Disipacijski modeli u plastičnosti, Zbornik radova Drugog susreta Hrvatskoga društva za mehaniku / Marović, Pavao ; Galić, Mirela ; Krstulović, Lovre (ur.), Split : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku, 2008. 1-6.
- Brčić, M., Čanađija, M., Brnić, J.: Modeliranje interakcija matrice nanokompozita i nanocijevi, Zbornik radova Trećeg susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Mirjana Bošnjak-Klečina (ur.), Osijek : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku, 2010. 1-6.
- Čanađija, M., Munjas, N., Brnić, J.: Formulacija mehanike oštećenja pri konačnim elastoplastičnim deformacijama , Zbornik radova Četvrtog susreta Hrvatskog društva za mehaniku / Živić, Marija (ur.), Slavnoski Brod : Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku, 2011. 33-36
- Državna Nagrada za znanost – Nagrada za životno djelo (2019), Republikka Hrvatska, Ministarstvo znanosti I obrazovanja, za 2018 godinu u području tehničkih znanosti
- Zahvalnica za ostvarena postignuća u 2017 godini koja su pridonijela promicanju, napretku I ugledu Sveučilišta u Rijeci (Rektorica, prof. dr. sc. Snježana Prijić-Samaržija).
- Spomen plaketa, kao znak priznanja i zahvalnosti zbog doprinosa utkanog u razvitak i djelovanje Sveučilišta u Rijeci, od njegova utemeljenja do danas, 2013. (Rektor, prof. dr. sc. Pero Lučin)
- Godišnja nagrada Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci za životno djelo ( za akad. god. 2010 / 2011)
- Nagrade Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti za najviša znanstvena dostignuća u Republici Hrvatskoj za 2010. godinu za područje tehničkih znanosti
- 2nd Prize – Zwick Science Award 2009, Ulm, Germany.
- Godišnje nagrada Zaklade Sveučilišta u Rijeci za znanstveni rad u području tehničkih znanost za 2004. god.
- Jubilarna plaketa za 1999. godinu – priznanje za osobiti doprinos radu i razvitku Hrvatske udruge proizvodnog strojarstva, a na dobrobit znanstvenog i gospodarskog razvitka Republike Hrvatske.
- Zahvalnica za osobni doprinos u modernizaciji Strojarskog fakulteta u Slavonskom Brodu, lipanj 1999.
- Special Award of ÖIAV (Österreichischer Ingenieur und Architekten Verein) and DAAAM International for Significant Contribution in the Field of Engineering, Excellence in Science, and International Academic and Scientific Cooperation in Middle European Region Within the Framework of the Danube Adria Association for Automation & Manufacturing and Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects, Vienna & Cluj-Napoca, October 22, 1998.
- Državna godišnja nagrada za znanost za značajno znanstveno dostignuće u području tehničkih znanosti za 1997. godinu.
- Certificate, Awarded to Prof. Josip Brnić, D.Sc., DAAAM International, Vienna, October 17-19, 1996.
- Dobitnik odlikovanja predsjednika Republike Hrvatske dr. Franje Tuđmana: Red Danice hrvatske s likom Ruđera Boškovića, za poseban doprinos znanosti, 1995.
- Dobitnik Nagrade grada Rijeke 1994. g. za stvaralački rad i stvaralaštvo za period 1992.-1993. god.
Aktivno se služi engleskim, pasivno njemačkim i slovenskim jezikom.
Tijekom izrade novih nastavnih planova i programa poslijediplomskog znanstvenog studija i sveučilišnih dodiplomskih studija strojarstva, odnosno brodogradnje 1994./95. i 1998 te 2004. godine uveo je nove kolegije, izradio sadržaje tih kolegija i nositelj je kolegija kako slijedi:
• poslijediplomski znanstveni studij
- Elastomehanika i plastomehanika
- Viskoelastičnost i viskoplastičnost
- Optimizacija konstrukcija
- MKE čvrstih tijela
- Računalno modeliranje plastičnog oblikovanja metala
• sveučilišni dodiplomski studij
- Elasto i plastomehanika
- Metoda konačnih elemenata u mehanici čvrstog tijela
- Eksperimentalne metode u mehanici
●● Jedan je od inicijatora uvođenja sveučilišnog dodiplomskog studija elektrotehnike na Tehničkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Kao dekan Fakulteta vodio je Povjerenstvo za izradu nastavnog plana i programa ovog studija te sudjelovao u njihovoj izradi.
• Za sveučilišni studij elektrotehnike uveo je kolegije i izradio njihove sadržaje:
- Mehanika i elementi konstrukcija
- Strukturna analiza (izborni)
●● Jedan je od inicijatora uvođenja novih smjerova na sveučilišnom dodiplomskom studiju:
- Inženjersko računarstvo (S+Bg)
- Elektrostrojarstvo
- Motori i motorna vozila (HV)
- Oklopništvo i topništvo (HV)
Na Zavodu za tehničku mehaniku Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci inicijator je osnivanja nekoliko laboratorija. Sudjelovao je u nabavci cjelokupne znanstvene opreme na spomenutom Zavodu. Voditelj je Laboratorija za ispitivanje čvrstoće konstrukcija gdje se istražuju/ispituju mehaničke karakteristike materijala pri sobnoj temperaturi, pri sniženim i povišenim temperaturama, te žilavost materijala, čvrstoće pri savijanju kao i ponašanje materijala u kratkotrajnom puzanju.
Recenzent je:A. Radova u prestižnim međunarodnim časopisima indeksiranim u Current Contents-u (CC):
- Journal of Testing and Evaluation;
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- Materials and Design;
- Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology;
- Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (MMTA);
- Bulletin of Materials Science;
- Journal of Constructional Steel Research;
- High Temperature Materials and Processes;
- Materials Science and Engineering B;
- Journal of Structural Engineering;
- Materials Science and Engineering A;
- Engineering Structures;
- Nuklear Engineering and Design;
- Materials and Structures;
- Strojniški vestnik- Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SCIEx)
- Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials
- Steel Research International
- Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
- Advances in Computational Design
- Thin-Walled Structures
- Materials
- Metals
- Interbational Journal of Fatigue
- Materials Transactions
- International Journal of Rock Mecanics and Mining Sciences
- Advances in Computational Design (ESCI)
- Journal of Composite Science (Inspec)
- Machines (ESCI)
- Vacuum
- Engineering Fracture Mechanics
- Composite Structures
- Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering.
- International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping.
B. Recenzent je znanstvenih radova za znanstvene skupove:
- DAAAM Estonia,
- ICPNS China
- International Conference on Industrial Tools (ICIT), Slovenia
C. Knjiga
- Recenzent knjige B. Štoka.: “Mehanika deformabilnih tijela”, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1993.
- Recenzent udžbenika (knjige) M. Krpana, A. Franulovića: “Dinamika – teorija i primjena”, Tehnički fakultet, 2001.
- Recenzent skripte Z. Sapunara: “Kinematika”, Tehnički fakultet, 1993.
- Recenzent udžbenika – skripte Željana Lozine: “Mehanika”, Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje (FESB), Split, 1996.
- Recenzent udžbenika – skripte Željana Lozine: “Uvod u metodu konačnih elemenata”, Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje (FESB), Split, 1996.
- Recenzent udžbenika Ive Alfirevića: “Viša nauka o čvrstoći”, FSB-Zagreb, 1997.
- Recenzent: Monographical Booklet: “Geometric Introduction to the Contiuum Deformation Analysis”, autora: Nikolae Boja & G. Brailoiu, University of Timisoara – Rumunjska, 1997.
- Recenzent knjige Ive Alfirevića: Nauka o čvrstoći I, FSB- Zagreb, 1999.
- Recenzent udžbenika Ive Alfirevića: “Elastična analiza konstrukcija”, FSB – Zagreb, 1997.
- Recenzent knjige Ive Alfirevića: “Nauka o čvrstoći II”, FSB, Zagreb, 1998.
- Recenzent knjige Franje Matejičeka i dr.: “Uvod u statiku”, Biblioteka Tehnička mehanika, Sveučilište u Zagrebu i Osijeku, Osijek, 1999.
- Recenzent knjige Ive Alfirevića: “Linearna analiza konstrukcija”, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, Zagreb, 1999.
- Recenzent knjige Diane Šimić:“Teorija tankostjenih nosača otvorenog poprečnog presjeka,Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Građevinski fakultet, Zagreb, 2008.
- Recenzent knjige Roberta Žigulića i Sanjina Brauta:“Kinematika“, Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci, 2012.
D. Poglavlja u knjizi
Recenzent sljedećih poglavlja u knjizi Inženjerski priručnik 1, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996.
- Alfirević, I.: Nauka o čvrstoći, poglavlje 7.8.
- Alfirević, I., Muftić, O.: Statika krutih tijela, poglavlje 7.1.
- Alfirević, I.: Analitička mehanika, poglavlje 7.4.
Recenzirao je također određeni broj radova za Zbornik radova Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci, Zbornik radova Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje u Zagrebu, Zbornik radova (Glasnik) Strojarskog fakulteta u Slavonskom Brodu, Pomorskog zbornika, te za zbornike radova, s domaćih i stranih kongresa.E. Znanstvenih projekata za Ministarstvo znanosti i tehnologije Republike HrvatskeRecenzirao je veći broj znanstvenih projekata.
Pored vrijednog i plodnog znanstvenog rada iskazanog putem brojnih objavljenih znanstvenih radova u međunarodnim i domaćim časopisima te objavljenih u zbornicima međunarodnih i domaćih kongresa, kao i objavljenih knjiga i monografija, Josip Brnić veliku je pažnju posvetio i vođenju mladih znanstvenih i stručnih kadrova.
To se prije svega odnosi na mentorstvo u izradi doktorskih disertacija odnosno magistarskih radova kandidatima između kojih su Dubravka Siminitati, Goran Turkalj, Marko Čanađija, Mladen Perinić, Domagoj Lanc, Sandra Roščić itd. Većini od njih omogućio je, pored vođenja magistarskih radova i doktorskih disertacija i znanstvena usavrašavanja na stranim sveučilištima a nabavkom znanstvene opreme i računalnih programa efikasna eksperimentalna istraživanja i adekvatnu numeričku kontrolu radova. Mladim je znanstvenim kadrovima omogućio aktivno sudjelovanje u pisanju i objavljivanju znanstvenih radova te izlaganje tih radova na brojnim međunarodnim kongresima.
Općenito bi se ovaj vid djelovanja Josipa Brnića mogao klasificirati u nekoliko pravaca. Bio je:
- Mentorstva pri izradi doktorskih disertacija: Siminiati Dubravka, Turkalj Goran, Čanađija Marko, Vukelić Goran, Sanjin Kršćanski.
- Mentorstva pri izradi magistarskih radova: Turkalj G., Čanađija M., Perinić M., Lanc D.
- Predsjednik ili član povjerenstava za ocjenu i obranu doktorskih disertacija i magistarskih radova.
- Predsjednik ili član povjerenstava za ocjenu podobnosti kandidata i tema doktorskih disertacija.
- Mentor kod izrade diplomskih radova (više od 10).
- Predsjednik ili član povjerenstava za izbore u znanstveno-nastavna, nastavna i suradnička zvanja.
- Premda je u daljnjem tekstu navedeno ukupno znanstveno djelovanje Josip Brnića, valja istaći da u biti postoje tri bitne odrednice koje definiraju njegovo znanstveno djelovanje, a one jesu:
• pisanje i prezentiranje znanstvenih radova, posebice u inozemstvu,
• pisanje i objavljivanje knjiga,
• odgoj mladih znanstvenih kadrova.
Kao pojedinost navodi se da je na Zavodu za tehničku mehaniku, kojem je trenutno predstojnik, bio mentor članovima Zavoda za magistarske radove i doktorske disertacije, te da su dvojica znanstvenikakoji su doktorirali pod njegovim mentorstvom dobili Državnu nagradu za znanost u području tehničkih znanosti u 2002, odnosno u 2006 godini.Poseban interes njegova znanstvenog istraživanja jesu područja:
• elastomehanika i plastomehanika
• viskoelastičnost i viskoplastičnost
• experimentalna mehanika
• optimizacija konstrukcija
• metoda konačnih elemenata
• mehanika oštećenja i loma
Njegov se najveći doprinos u znanstvenom istraživanju u spomenutim područjima sastoji u:
• razvoju i primjeni numeričkog modeliranja elastičnog i neelastičnog odziva tehničkih struktura (konstrukcija) neovisno o obliku konstrukcije, vanjskom opterećenju, temperaturnim i rubnim uvjetima. Spomenuto numeričko modeliranje procesa ponašanja konstrukcije, odnosno odziva konstrukcije, temelj je kompjuterske simulacije odziva i cjelokupne strukturne analize.Ukupna se znanstvena djelatnost očituje u:
- Objavljenim knjigama i poglavljima u knjigama,
- objavljenim znanstvenim radovima u časopisima (međunarodnim i domaćim),
- u zbornicima kongresa (međunarodnim i domaćim),
- magisteriju,
- doktorskoj disertaciji,
- vođenju više znanstvenih studija,
- vođenju znanstvenog projekta Hrvatske zaklade za znannost
- vođenju znanstvenih projekata financiranih od Ministarstva znanosti i tehnologije Republike Hrvatske,
- vođenju znanstvenih međunarodnih bilateralnih projekata (bilateralni: Hrvatska-Kina, 2x; Hrvatska – Slovenija, 1x; Hrvatska –Austrija, 1x),
- sudjelovanju u radu međunarodnih i domaćih znanstvenih komiteta,
- vođenju doktorskih disertacija i magistarskih radova,
- predavanjima na poslijediplomskim studijima – Tehničkog fakulteta Rijeka, Strojarskog fakulteta u Slavonskom Brodu,
- izlaganju radova na međunarodnim znanstvenim kongresima u Indiji, Finskoj, , Francuskoj, Estoniji, Belgiji, Poljskoj, Mađarskoj, Austriji, Češkoj, Slovačkoj, Rumunjskoj, Kini, Portugalu, SAD-u itd.,
- pozvanim predavanjima u Indiji; Finskoj; Mađarskoj; Austriji; Kini; Rumunjskoj; Estoniji, SAD-u, te predavanjima na Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Kina; School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiaozuo, Kina; Tai-Yuan, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kina, School of Materials Science and Engineering; Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Kina; Shanghai University, Shanghai, Kina; Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang, Kina.
Višegodišnja se nastavna djelatnost očituje u:
- izdavanju deset knjiga koja služe i kao udžbenici na poslijediplomskom znanstvenom studiju i sveučilišnom dodiplomskom studiju Tehničkog fakulteta, te Strojarskih fakulteta u Slavonskom Brodu [[Analysis of Engineering Structures and Material Behavior, Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK (462 + 32 str); Osnove optimizacije mehaničkih konstrukcija, Tehnički fakultet Rijeka, 115 str; Elastomehanika i plastomehanika (323 str.); Nauka o čvrstoći (320 str); Mehanika i elementi konstrukcija (543 str.), sve u izdanju Školske knjige – Zagreb; Elastoplasticity and Elastoviscoplasticity (167 str.) u izdanju PAMM Center – Budapest; Finite strain thermoplasticity: constitutive theory and numerical implementation, Monographical booklets ( Applied & Computer Mathematics ), Interuniversity Network, Budapest,118 str.; Statika (320 str.), Tehnički fakultet Rijeka; Nauka o čvrstoći I,( 540 str.), Tehnički fakultet Rijeka; Nauka o čvrstoći II ( 640 str.), Tehnički fakultet Rijeka; Analiza deformabilnih tijela metodom konačnih elemenata (474 str), FinTrade & tours, Rijeka].
- održavanju predavanja
Kroz različita vremenska razdoblja održavao je predavanja iz više različitih kolegija i na više stupnjeva studija, a niže se navedeni kolegiji odnose na trenutnu situaciju:
• poslijediplomski studij (MKE u analizi, optimizaciji i mehanici oštećenja konstrukcija)
• preddiplomski sveučilišni studiji strojarstva (Statika, Nauka o čvrstoći I, Osnove primjene metode konačnih elemenata)
• diplomski sveučilišni studij strojarstva (Nauka o čvrstoći II, MKE čvrstih tijela, Optimalni dizajn konstrukcija)
• poslijediplomski studij Strojarskog fakulteta u Slavnoskom Brodu (Elastomehanika i plastomehanika) - izradi novih nastavnih planova i programa poslijediplomskog i sveučilišnog dodiplomskog studija
• predsjednik povjerenstva na razini fakulteta i autor svih planova i programa za kolegije koje predaje - uvođenju novih smjerova na studije:
• poslijediplomski znanstveni studij: Računarska mehanika
• sveučilišni dodiplomski studij (S+Bg): jedan od autora uvođenja smjera: Računarsko inženjerstvo - uvođenju novih predmeta na studije:
• poslijediplomski znanstveni studij: Viskoplastičnost, MKE u mehanici konstrukcija, Stabilnost i optimizacija konstrukcija
• sveučilišni dodiplomski studij: Metoda konačnih elemenata, Elasto i plastomehanika, Eksperimentalne metode u mehanici, Mehanika i elementi konstrukcija (E) - mentorstvu kandidatima za izradu doktorskih disertacija i magistarskih radova
- radu kao predsjednika ili člana povjerenstava za:
• podobnost kandidata i teme doktorske disertacije ili magistarskog rada
• ocjenu i obranu doktorske disertacije ili magistarskog rada
• izbore u znanstveno – nastavna, nastavna i suradnička zvanja. - radu na funkciji prodekana za nastavu i voditelja sveučilišnog dodiplomskog studija strojarstva
- radu kao voditelja poslijdiplomskog usmjerenja:
• Strukturna analiza i optimizacija konstrukcija (bivši smjer) - radu kao voditelja poslijediplomskih znanstvenih studija
- vođenju mlađih znanstvenih kadrova
- osobnom angažiranju kao dekana fakulteta u dva mandata u opremanju Računskog centra, kabineta profesora, laboratorija fakulteta u svrhu poboljšanja kvalitete nastave i znanstvenog rada:
- nabavci laboratorijske opreme, računala i sofvera.
Stručna se djelatnost ogleda u brojnim stručnim radovima a pretežiti ih se dio odnosi na projekte(u popisu radova prikazan je samo dio njih). Neki od radova prelaze okvire projekta i zapravo bi se mogli tretirati kao studije. Veliki dio njegove stručne djelatnosti pripada radovima vezanim za projektiranje strukture podvodnih i plovnih objekata, ali isto tako dio se njih odnosi i na analize i experimentalna ispitivanja svojstava materijala.