Lehfeldt Werner

Lehfeldt Werner
Academic titles:
- professor emeritus
Membership in the Academy:
- corresponding member – Department of Philological Sciences (5/18/1992 – …)
Werner Lehfeldt, German Slavist born on May 22, 1943, in Perleberg, Germany.
He gained wide linguistic knowledge at several universities (Mainz, Hamburg, Bochum, Sarajevo). He spent specialization in Moscow, Bratislava and Warsaw, taught at numerous world universities, and became a widely recognized scientist in the world of Slavic studies. From 1992 until his retirement in 2011, he led the Chair of Slavic Philology at the University of Göttingen.
He deals with linguistic typology, historical and quantitative linguistics and Slavic languages, especially Russian, Serbian and Croatian. The most important books: Opća jezična tipologija (Allgemeine Sprachtypologie, 1973), Tvorba oblika ruskoga glagola (Formenbildung des russischen Verbs, 1978), Uvod u kvantitativnu fonologiju (Einführung in die quantitative Phonologie, 1980).
His diverse scientific slavish preoccupation is evident from his bibliography. In addition to a large number of scientific contributions in the world periodical (reviews, reviews, studies) he has also published numerous monographs.
As an extremely deserving expert in nurturing and promoting philological, cultural and historical Croatian values, in 1992 he was elected as a corresponding member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in the Department of Philological Sciences.