Committeee administration: Kim Sombolac
Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
Tel. +385 01 4895 170
At its sessions held on 15 April 1993 and 29 June 1993, the Assembly of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts brought the Decision on the Establishment and Presenting of the Croatian Academy Awards for the highest scientific and artistic achievements. The Book of Rules on the Procedure of Presenting the Awards of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts was also draftet then, and on 20 December 2010, the Amendments to the said Book of Rules were added.
The procedure of presenting the Awards initiates the Awards Committee of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts by annual tender inviting in October. The tender includes nomination criteria and procedure, and the deadline for submitting the nominations. The Awards are presented annually, on 29 April, on the occasion of celebrating the Academy Day, and include a plaque and a charter.
Chairman of the Awards Committee of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts: Josip Madić, F.C.A.