
This page contains information about the activities of the members of the Academy, scientists and their work.

Potpora Predsjedništva ALLEA-e Ukrajini, njenim građanima i akademskim institucijama


Predsjedništvo federacije europskih akademija znanosti ALLEA (All European Academies) donijelo je 25. veljače 2022. izjavu kojom osuđuje rusku agresiju na Ukrajinu i poziva rusku vladu da poštuje međunarodne konvencije o zaštiti civila i kulturnih spomenika.

Izjava glasi:

ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, reacts with shock and deep regret to the military incursion by Russia into Ukraine. We call on the Russian government to respect the international conventions on the protection of civilians and cultural artefacts and express our deep concern for the safety of our academic colleagues.
ALLEA notes the danger this represents to Ukrainian scientific institutions, academics, and international research collaboration and has expressed its full solidarity and support to our
Ukrainian member, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. We also acknowledge that members of the Russian scientific community, who have spoken out against the current
aggressions, may equally come under threat. In the interest of safeguarding academic freedom and the autonomy of science and research, we will closely monitor the situation and contemplate
taking appropriate further measures in support of our Ukrainian member academy, its fellowship, and the academic community.
There is no legitimacy to the actions undertaken to sabotage the peace, stability, and autonomy of the Ukrainian nation. In these difficult times, we stand up against the blatant attacks by the
Russian government against a sovereign state, against democracy and against innocent people.

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