Nazor Anica, F.C.A.

Date of birth:
- 02/02/1935
Place of birth:
- Potoci (općina Drvar), Bosna i Hercegovina
- Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog 11, 10000 Zagreb
- Department of Philological Sciences +385 01 4895 170
Nazor Anica, F.C.A.
Academic titles:
- doctor of Science
- fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Director (retired) – The Old Slavic institute in Zagreb
Functions in Academy:
- member – Library Board of the CASA Library (2022 – …)
Membership in Academy:
- full member – Department of Philological Sciences (12/03/1992 – …)
- associate member – Department of Philological Sciences (06/07/1977 – 12/03/1992)
Curiculum Vitae
Anica Nazor, Croatian paleoslavist was born in Potoci near Drvar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on February 2, 1935. She graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb in 1959 and received her Doctorate from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zadar in 1965. From 1962 until her retirement in 2005, she was employed by the Old Slavic Institute in Zagreb (director in tvo terms: 1967-1978 and 1986-2005).
She has been a full member of the CASA since 1992 in the Department of Philological Sciences.
She is a member of the International Commission for the Rječnik crkvenoslavenskoga jezika, and editor of the Old Slavic magazine Slovo from 1975 until 2006. She was involved in the textology of Croatian medieval Glagolitic literature. She established, for example, a direct Italian template for the Senjski Transit svetog Jerolima, she studied Croatian Croatian Glagolitic legends, fable and didactic prose.
She has published numerous papers on Croatian Glaolitic printing, many of which have monographic significance. Her publishing and organizational activities are particularly important: she participated in the organization of most facsimile editions of the most important Croatian Books (Hrvojev misal, 1973; Drugi novljanski brevijar, 1977; Spovid općena, 1979; Senj’s Korizmenjak, 1981; Knjižice krsta of Š. Kožičić, 1984; Bosnian Hvalov zbornik, 1986; Brevijar po zakonu rimskoga dvora, 1991; Senjski misal, 1991) and fragments (from the Berčić Collection in St. Petersburg).
She significantly contributed to the promotion of Croatian Glagolitic in the world. She received the National Lifetime Achievement Science Award (2011).