Katalinić Vjera

Date of birth:
- 1955
Place of birth:
- Zagreb
- Division for the History of Croatian Music, Opatička 18, 10000 Zagreb
- +385 01 4895 320
- +385 01 4895 323
Katalinić Vjera
Academic titles:
- Full Professor
- Research Advisor – The Division for the History of Croatian Music
- Full Professor – Music Academy, University of Zagreb
Functions in Academy:
- director – Division for the History of Croatian Music (1992. – …)
- head of – Institute for the History of Croatian Literature, Theater and Music (03/10/2020 – …)
Membership in Academy:
- associate member – Department of Music and Musicology (05/15/2014 – 05/15/2024)
Curriculum Vitae
- Education: 1978 graduated at the Music Academy in Zagreb; 1990 MA from the Music Academy in Zagreb; 1999 Ph.D. at the Department of Musicology, Philosophical Faculty, University of Vienna
- Training: Freie Universität Berlin (R. Stephan) within the DAAD Scholarship (1987/88)
- Research fields: musical culture in the 18th and 19th centuries; music migrations; musical archives and collections in Croatia
- Research projects: 1992-1995 leader of the project “W. A. Mozart and Croatian Musical Culture 1750-1820”; 2013-2016 principal investigator of the HERA project “Music Migration in the Early Modern Age: The Meeting of the European East, West and South” (MusMig); 2017-2021 project leader of the Croatian Science Foundation project “Networking through Music: Change of Paradigms in the “Long 19th Century” – From Luka Sorkočević to Franjo Ks. Kuhač”
- Researcher on the project “Arranging and cataloguing of music in Croatia” (1992-2013);
- Researcher on the international interdisciplinary project, “Oper im Wandel der Gesellschaft” (2005-2008; Volkswagen-Stiftung)
- Researcher on the international interdisciplinary project “Europe and Beyond: Transfers, Networks and Markets for Musical Theatre in Modern Europe, 1740-1960” (2009-2011; European University Institute, Florence)
- Reviewer of scientific projects and member of panels in Croatia, Slovenia and Austria
- Symposia: participated at over 100 scientific meetings in Croatia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Lithuania, Russia, Spain, USA and Canada
- Authors’ work: the author of four books and some 200 scientific and expert articles published in Croatia, European lands and USA
- Editorial work: 1998-2005 and since 2016 editor-in-chief of the journal Arti musices, since 2005. associate editor; edited ten books of proceedings and eight music scores; member of editorial boards/councils of journals: Muzyka (Warsaw), Current musicology (New York), Radovi Zavoda za znanstveni rad HAZU u Varaždinu (Varaždin)
- Teaching: part time full prof. at the Department of Musicology at the Music Academy, University of Zagreb, at the undergraduate and graduate levels; lectures at doctoral courses on the Philosophical Faculty and Croatian Studies at the University of Zagreb
- Guest lectures held on universities and institutes in Croatia, USA, Ireland, Italy, Austria and Poland
- Organization: Director of the Department of History of Croatian Music (1992), president of the Croatian Musicological Society (2007-2013); organised seven international and three national symposia, and since 1999 regular annual meetings of the Croatian Musicological Society
- Awards: “F. Kuhač ” Award of the Croatian Music Institute (1978), Award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2007), The” Dragan Plamenac” Award of the Croatian Musicological Society (2007), The “Josip Andreis” Award of the Croatian Composers’ Society (2016), Award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2017)